The Most Evil Part Of The Internet...

Published 2024-05-03
Hello guys and gals, it's me Mutahar again! This time we take a look at what appears to be a case known as the Nth Room, with my history exporing the Deep Web in the past and the hundreds of sites we've visited, true fear really evokes from the web we can easily access and the corners of social media we all easily prowl on. What was the case of the Nth room, it was a scandal that shook all of South Korea. Thanks for watching!
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All Comments (21)
  • @ideac.
    Yknow what is the saddest part? 10 years ago we used to see the deep web as the worst of the worst but nowadays the surface web is just as bad. People literally commission animal cruety videos on discord or telegram, and these apps are available for everyone of any age, its genuinely depressing.
  • @salkryeful
    I think the most terrible people in the Nth room case are the buyers or men who gave the operators of Nth room private information about their daughters and wives for access in the Nth room. And most, if not all, didn't get punished or anything.
  • @THE-X-Force
    "What scares me is what humans can do to each other..." Greed is the doom of humanity.
  • @darkmatter9643
    So over a thousand counts of creating, owning and distributing cp was worth a 40 year sentence? Wtf why was it so light, 40 years should be the minimum for every member of these rooms.
  • @SolarisZen
    fun fact. Telegram groups are NOT encrypted and the police CAN get your information as long as you are using telegram in a group messaging
  • Rotten Mango podcast has two really good videos on the nth rooms if anyone wants a deeper dive into them!
  • @npcimknot958
    What’s crazy is, watching Korean news cover this, you could see some of the footage from these rooms ( but they hid the faces of the perpetrators… which cause mass protest and I think this guy was the first guy to have his identity revealed ( I might be wrong) but the nth room stuff was insane in korea cause so many people were connected including celebs etc and very rich people were customers. Even worse was these kids were blackmailed into filming the abuse assaults or up,leading their own stuff while being watched.. it’s f up.. Korea has a lot of f up stuff
  • @Kepesk
    "VHS files" has the same energy as when a friend of mine called a book a "physical PDF".
  • @sammykane5967
    Mutahar slapping us with another nostalgic dark video😭
  • @Eisenwulf666
    There has to be similar groups operating in every major country, i remember reading about similar but smaller rackets from time to time. Like :" Hey i'll buy you a new phone if you send me pics" then the blackmailing starts. A shame there are so many depraved individuals willing to pay for this kind of stuff.
  • @gitrekt-gudson
    I am glad you don't demonize the encrypted messaging apps. I watch a lot of Predator Poachers videos and the way he talks a lot of times you would think the only reason anyone has Signal or Telegram is because they are pdf files, it kind of annoys me.
  • @soomi
    There's also the South-Korean case of The Burning Sun. Not sure if you ever heard of that too, Mutahar? Where a man got beaten up, tried to call the cops on this club and then a whole illegal nsfw system got exposed. Lots of extremely illegal activities and even celebrities participated in it and got arrested. Same illegal chats etc.
  • @metapuns9004
    I think the saddest part is how young some of the people who consume this type of stuff are, like 13-15. No wonder they grow up to do heinous acts. It starts with curiosity and ends in depravity. This is why I'd be a total hawk of a mom when I have kids, I'm not going to let the internet in all it's disgusting glory mold my child. Change starts with the next generation and if this trend of feeding kids brain slop doesn't stop we're gonna have this happen more and more...
  • @Isabelb
    I've known about this situation, thanks for covering it, too. And sure, YT is a bit centric at times, so it's good creators like you touch on what happens on other corners of the world.
  • I saw the two-part series of this case from Stephanie Soo (Rotten Mango). She did a great job covering the details and humanizing the journalists, victims and authorities who were subjected to their atrocities. I highly recommend her series on this if anyone else is interested. She also has a team of Korean translators to better contextualize sources. Not saying this video isn’t great. It is. Rotten Mango just wemt further in debt if this video intrigued you and you want to learn more.
  • @RedJoker9000
    What I hate was when I learned this story, some guys were okay for their actions and thought no jail should be given. They said "they were being men not little kids. Don't punish them. I was like "WTF, you'd be in prison doing this".
  • @hochanlee4603
    Hey Muta, what's even darker is that some of the admins in the those rooms were were in active duty soliders who took private information of female ctizens' out and blackmailed them.
  • @yodoleheehoo90
    ANYTHING involving little ones or animals, I will NEVER tolerate, I could never stomach, or destroy my soul looking at that stuff, and I've seen a LOT of the worst parts of humanity online over the years. I pray every day for those who are trapped in these situations and hope they escape and heal from the ordeals. Edit: Uh-oh, looks like a firery but mostly peaceful protest is going on here with this simple comment I made😂
  • @Otaku_Jinsei
    Gotta appreciate muta bringing attention to these things not many other commentary do.
  • @DarkForce2024
    If you ever want to scare your kids into not talking to random weirdos on the net, show them the movie Dee Snider's "Strangeland". I'm not usually freaked out by movies, but this one definitely freaked me out.