He Got Caught Cheating on Stream

Published 2022-04-26

All Comments (21)
  • @allengainzmma
    I’m not gonna lie I cheated a lot on tests and homework and never felt a shred of guilt. If i cheated in a tournament taking money away from people is where I’d feel like a huge POS.
  • @thesilverduke
    As a person with glasses, I promise you that that is the most embarrassing way to get caught cheating
  • @YikesMC
    lud pretending not to know mia is the funniest part
  • @Squishy5750
    "The next person is Mia Malkova, I don't know who she is I think she's an actor" 10/10 acting
  • @McBreadbox
    I’m glad Emily got the win she deserved, it’s just unfortunate that she didn’t get to celebrate her victory in the moment
  • @turbochoochoo
    This is more like stealing from a friend than cheating on a test. Pretty brutal.
  • I love the tough love ludwig is giving to EE, telling him point blank this is how hundreds of thousands of people are going to look at him and that type of scrutiny can and will stick with you for a long time. especially since cheating isn't the only problem with this episode. even if in the end he admitted to his wrong(s) he still ruined the show in the moment for the host, other contestants who were/might've been playing fairly and the people watching. On top of that people seeing Miz's reaction to EE's celebration can obviously see he doesn't think this was won fairly. Not to mention this adds more black lash on Miz and his show because people are still cheating either for money or so they don't look "stupid". even though 90% of these questions are stuff we were either taught over a decade ago or not at all.
  • @MouseSPAL
    From my experience, it is very rare for cheaters to cheat only once. They may only get caught once, but they usually have a long list of other times they've cheated. Sure most of those times we wave off as harmless, but where is the line drawn when cheaters clearly benefit from cheating?
  • @lok6250
    What i find the most surreal is the fact mizkif spent 5-10 minutes essentially begging people not to cheat during the stream and EE still did
  • @RJZaxcell
    Worst part was the calling of the parents at the end. Farming empathy points after knowingly ruining the finale is wild to me
  • When there's a prize on the line for a competition, especially a CASH prize, the argument of "Just own up to the mistakes of cheating and you're redeemed" goes out the window in my eyes. He effectively stole money, which is a felony in most of the world. He got caught and ridiculed while guilt-tripping others by pulling the race card like he's done before, and then when he realized he wasn't gonna get away from his crime, he fessed up for ONE of the problems, and not the entire competition. Sure, we'll never know if he cheated the entire competition, but there's a nice little saying about liars: "Once you've caught someone in one lie, it becomes a whole lot easier to catch them in other, bigger lies." Most times people that lie start off small, realize they got away with it, and keep going bigger and bigger till they get caught, where they then admit to lying. That's the path of a pathological liar, and I'd not be surprised if EE was one. With all that said, I reiterate: There is no forgiveness for someone committing a felony/crime, only justice in a court of law. They will rightfully be known as a cheater hopefully for the rest of their life, and will feel the guilt of almost allowing himself to steal 50k from the rightful winner of the competition.
  • This instance is not like he is just a school cheater. He knowingly tried to rob a fellow streamer. Now he just should not be given any other opportunity like that and im sure plenty of streamers will have a bad taste left and not want to collab with him. I wonder how the call went with his mom when he told her "nvm mom i did not win 50k. I cheated because im not actually smart, sorry!"
  • @mysticat
    Schooled IRL is actually a rly cool idea!
  • All of his streamer friends expect and ask the viewers to give him another chance because he’s supposedly funny and talented, but how can we give someone another chance if they’re not even being 100% honest in an apology? He literally would have walked away with 50k if it weren’t for that one specific image. I don’t care how talented and funny he is, that was and is still beyond fucked up.
  • @stealthysnails
    That ending was perfect. I didn’t know who this was, but you got it completely right. I will only know EE as the guy who cheated and almost stole 50k.
  • @frozenpelt967
    I'm pretty sure the "owning up" part of the apology did not happen. He was forced to admit that it happened as the last resort to save face. This man legitimately betrayed a friend to steal a large sum of money while being fully aware of how wrong it was. Ludwig's doing his best at damage control, but I have a feeling if their positions were swapped, this "friend" of Ludwig's might just do what he did to Mizkif - backstabbing for short term success, gets caught and regret yet again.
  • @kryptico2240
    I felt the weight of mizkif saying not to cheat. Anyone that has ever seen a single thing mizkif has done would feel it. The guy just doesn’t get like that, at least on stream. He always keeps it light and fast paced. EE clearly felt it as well, which makes it even more disappointing that he still decided to cheat.
  • @TenkiRyu
    There is a greater shame then getting caught cheating, CHEATING. Getting caught is not the issue, thinking it is okay just because you get away with it is the problem.