Amazing Film Shows 1968 College Students Arguing Then Black Students Walk Out

Published 2018-06-20
This is an incredible filmed sequence where we recorded a meeting which took place at the University of Illinois in the spring of 1968. Student political leaders, radicals, administrators and professors as well as people from the “community” were invited to speak together live on national television. Seeing conversations with no editing on national television was and in my view still is, amazingly real. Raw. Even though people were aware that they were being filmed, they presented themselves and how they felt as best they could. I was just a cameraman but I could see and feel the reality.

As this clip shows, communication between the groups who were there proved difficult and at the end, most attendees felt that little was accomplished. Somewhat reminiscent of today I would say. Sad.

Many have commented about this debate ( the attendees did not see this as a debate but merely as a chance to express their points of view and hear the points of view of others) and how we could not have a similar debate today as the country is so fractured. My remembrance is that back in 1968, the country was fractured, possibly as fractured as we seem to be today, at the end of 2022. I can specifically remember people attending Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners with their families and finding it unable to go through the ceremonies because the subject of Vietnam or race relations came up and caused people to fight with such passion that a family celebration turned into a yelling match.

Also remember that this kinescope recording was taking place shortly before a segment of Black Americans came to support the Black Panther Party who expressed a Malcolm X point of view that violence would be necessary to achieve justice as they saw it.

If you found this presentation of value/interest I asked you to click the Super Thanks button below the video screen to the right. Your support allows me to keep on going back to my archive to find more clips of potential meaning to viewers today.
Thank you
David Hoffman filmmaker

All Comments (21)
  • @kl56tjy98
    This doesn't make sense. There is no moderator and they are still waiting for each other to finish their sentence! I don't believe this is real!
  • @rudy7759
    “The fact that this discussion hasn’t gotten anywhere is a testament to how deep the problem is”
  • @JamieHitt
    This is the longest cigarette commercial I have ever seen.
  • @mikeandrews9944
    "it is foolish to speak to someone who is not listening" -someone wiser than me
  • @anashe11
    I think this comment section is misunderstanding the fact that these students were aware their debate and entire conversation would be broadcasted nationally. Of course this is not representative of the everyday average classroom back then. I strongly strongly encourage you to attend a university debate event in today’s time because you’ll see our brilliant thinkers like these students today. Don’t get bogged down comparing this university’s absolute best to the typical debates and conversations going on today. I promise you there were idiots back then just like there are today the same way there were and still are brilliant and critical thinking minds. If anything we need to bring back this national broadcasting of University student debates to help ensure the smartest voices in academia today are heard over the noise of popularity online.
  • @djm4854
    I kept trying to figure out who the heck Diggett was...then I realized it was a DIG IT catchphrase. How 60s. LOLOLOL
  • @fafolaw
    I like how these 30-year-old teenagers are respectfully discussing serious issues while smoking a cigar at their University
  • @bigblue6065
    Nobody: Students in the 60s: puffs cigarettes "Let's get down to facts here!"
  • It’s genuinely depressing how we can’t have a discussion like this these days, and yet we’re still having literally this exact same discussion.
  • @djinngeist114
    No matter what the subject or issues, seeing people actually hold a conversation is beautiful.
  • I watched the whole thing and I have no clue what they are arguing about but I like their passion
  • David Hoffman’s channel is the most informative and educational YouTube channel on the platform. I love his videos.
  • @timothya2742
    Was 5 yrs old when this conversation took place. Almost 60 now and the conversation continues
  • It's fascinating, seeing older generations in their prime and talking about some of the very issues we still talk about and grapple with today. We do things differently but with the same general goal.