You're Worthless

Published 2024-01-14
Disclaimer: I am not a qualified professional, these are simply thoughts I have on life that I hope can help you. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have on any mental health conditions you may have.

All Comments (21)
  • @LizardVVizard
    The contrast of this video being heartfelt and warm against receiving a notification in the middle of the night that just says "You're worthless" □:_EliCry:□
  • @Ole_Rasmussen
    It used to be "I am cringe but I am free" Now it's "I am worthless and cringe but I am free and I deserve to be happy" Let's be messes together :_EliHeart:
  • @__aceofspades
    'Im not the best vtuber' I agreed with your message up until that point. You may not think you are, but you are, and im definitely not biased *cough*.
  • @colinkzm
    I feel so called out on this, cause this has been a major issue of mine that really puts me down and lose motivation to continue on what I'm doing. Growing up with family that compares me with others all the time just puts me in that spot where I'd compare myself to others now, feeling down seeing how much better they are. It can be quite frustrating to not get it sometimes. It's been like this for too long that it's hard to get over it... But yeh, I'm still tryin. Thanks for the comfort:_EliHeart:
  • @bchaozgamer4282
    Elia, you are a treasure. Thank You for what you do for your community that cherishes you deeply.
  • @LaLloronaVT
    Elia you’re a precious goose (said jokingly with love) and I really appreciate the work your do especially these videos. Take care 🖤
  • @IfWan_133
    This letter helps reassure me for doing something that I love even though I suck at it sometime. Thanks for another precious letter, Eli :_EliHeart::_EliHeart:
  • @DeanTheDoctor
    You are not worthless my friends. ✨♥️ You are impossibly unique, and the happiness that you may give and grant to others lives is far from meaningless, because the joy that we share is one of the most important experiences that we have. 🌎✨♥️ No matter how "normal" you think you are, you are Alive and that alone means that you are worthy to be here. Your dreams and emotions are valid and valuable to others, as well as yourself. Trust in that and know that you have a place in the world. There is a plan for you my sons and daughters. = ) And a very beautiful one at that. ♥️✨🌎 Stay blessed. 😌♥️✨🌎🍀
  • @dhemong
    ❤❤Elia, you always special to me. and you are priceless.❤❤
  • @zacmeadows2294
    I went through a period of feeling like this, I think anyone with a genuine concious should have atleast once. For me, I like to think back to my athletics days around the age of 8-9. I remember not being the fastest, the strongest or the most coordinated (I was the tallest but that made me look like a baby giraffe when I ran) but I felt like I enjoyed it the most. I made alot of friends back then (the ones my parents blamed for getting me addicted to Pokemon on the chonky 8-bit Game Boy), fast forward 8 years we were still getting up at 7am every Summer Saturday to compete together. I distinctly remember the black hole in my stomach when getting called up to get my participation trophy when I was a kid, but thinking back now I'm grateful for it. Because of it and the words of wisdom from my dad after seeing my disappointment (He told me that success is only 20% physical, the other 80% is mental) I was content in continuing for the enjoyment. In my final year of Little Athletics I ended up winning the 1st trophy in both club and district level. Don't forget your accomplishments no matter how big or small. Be grateful for the opportunities to learn and improve and humbled by your successes, no matter how far or fleeting they are.
  • @DonutDoch
    Thank you so much for this. I'm gonna vent a bit here This is a mindset that I'm finally beginning to lean away from, though I still often fall back into. It's been carved very deeply, the thought that I am only worth anything if I can provide something others can't. Being in Southeast Asia, where education and work are competitive, really doesn't help either when everywhere I look, everyone is carrying the same mentality. It's stressful. It's tiring. It's crushing. it's soul-sucking. It's suffocating. Most of all, it just drains a person of the best part of themselves. When for your entire life, you have been taught that anything less than the best is never enough, and every one is dedicating and sacrificing their entire being just to get a number on a paper that's higher than the people around you, and getting punished when you don't. For what? AND IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER IN END?? WHAT DID I EVEN WASTE A THIRD OF MY LIFE FOR??? Starting out full of hope and a sparkle in your eyes, being told you can achieve anything, just to be beat down again and again and again... repeat on and on until you don't even know why you're around anymore, who you even are... There's nothing quite like it how it just break someone into the smallest version of themselves, into non-existence. Sorry I got a little emotional there "Sorry, it's just how the world works" I hate it. I hate how it's so corrupted yet so...normal, that it's just accepted as a rule of society. I too, first thought of people as no more than their titles, their results, as I did to myself. As I experienced more, met more people, talked to those I wouldn't see in my usual environment, I am beginning to see people for themselves. I find that people have so much more to offer when they are allowed to share their thoughts, values, experiences, hobbies, etc, all the things that make them, _themselves_. Everyone has a unique world view and everyone affects the world around them in a way that no one else can. It not a matter of who or what is better, there is just _different_. There is always someone better than someone at something, and that's perfectly okay. There is no need to be the best or be perfect, if it means sacrificing yourself. No one is worthless. Everyone is valid. I may be mediocre at most things, and that's ok. It hurts to be cast aside and it hurts more to see others suffer what they don't deserve. The world can and should be a better place, a place of cooperation and support. If you've read everything, thank you. I hope everything will work out better for you from now. I wish all the best to you and everyone. To Elia, please keep being yourself and doing everything you do. You are a precious angel in this world and the help you have given is indescribable. You have so much support and I hope that you never have to feel like you are not enough.
  • @Sergei_WHY
    Thank you, Eli! Your kindness is like a breath of fresh air.
  • @AseraVoid
    I was initially thinking it was a shitpost but got wholesome vibes
  • @VeArk
    I'm so glad you made another. These have helped me a lot, and I often come back to these and watch them. Thank you for what you're doing.
  • “There’s always someone better than you at something, Either use that as motivation to get better than them or just stop a quit.” Personal I lacked a lot in my life I was screwed over from the start, so I decided to do everything master as much skills to prove something but in each thing people said I wasn’t that good I was good but not the best after awhile I was told by many I was the smartest person they know. I always knew I was the smartest but with no way to prove it. That first quote is correct but “don’t constantly do things to try to prove something, do it because you enjoy it doing to much things will just overwhelm you to the point you’ll end up getting worse at everything because your doing everything at once. Take a moment and relax”
  • @corncobbob2326
    Me seeing this, especially the thumbnail, on my feed: lol no need for reminders YT Me after watching this: damn are you a surgeon bc you dissected my brain too well I don't know where my value lies, but this video really helped. I've been so ambitious with all these art and meme ideas ever since I joined the vtuber rabbithole but due to my situation and skill issues, I feel like I'm not fully bringing my ideas to life and whenever I've felt that I did, it never reaches 20 likes let alone more. This hurts more when it's a serious attempt at fanart rather than a silly drawing/meme. I sometimes feel like I'm putting all this time, stress, and effort into things that'll never hold a candle to all the vtuber fanworks out there and others' gifts to their oshis. I didn't have super high expectations to begin with but I didn't know I'd flop or struggle so much to get a bit of traction. And irl is something else. To Elia: I know you say you're not the best vtuber but I mean it when I say that I haven't found a vtuber that does things the way you do while being so interesting and impressive. The reason the Starlings and Stananas are so kind to you is because of how generous, thoughtgul, and wise you are. You go out of your way to give Letters of Comfort, an entire interactive advent calendar, wisdom and comedy in your YT shorts, and more. I wish to have discovered you sooner and I wish to give as much the way you do for us. You're not as much of a mess as you think and you're more of a gem than you realize.