Gopi Krishna : Kundalini Awakening Experience

Published 2013-05-16
Gopi Krishna was born in 1903, near the city of Srinagar, in the Jammu and Kashmir State in northern India. Gopi Krishna was a yogi, mystic, teacher, social reformer, and writer. His autobiography is known under the title " Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man "

Gopi Krishna was a scientifically well informed man who wrote a detailed account of his life story and dramatic kundalini awakening which first occurred in 1937 and stabilized roughly 12 years later into a full state of perennial enlightenment in around 1949.

In this Interview Gopi Krishna Shares his experience of kundalini awakening and enlightenment.

All Comments (21)
  • @markusomega6004
    I had a life changing kundalini awakening 23 years ago. I experienced the same energy rise and explosion of light. Personally, I don't think you can force it/her to awaken. You can tend to the soil, make it fertile by living in a certain way, practicing meditation and introspection, but whether she rises or not is ultimately out of our control. More importantly, the experience of kundalini awakening SHOULD NOT be our goal or concern. That's the ego wanting an experience, and thus completely counterproductive. The experience is not the goal, the experience is a gift that may be granted or may not (yet) be granted. All we have to do is put in the work, day by day, without hoping for a reward.
  • I think Pandit Gopi Krishna knew a lot of things of the spiritual realm that he was not allowed to talk about it. Gopi had the ability to appear in people`s dreams which proves that he was in fact an extraordinary spiritual being. He was, in my opinion, one of India`s greatest mystics!
  • @lecubiste1
    Mr. Krishna wrote exactly of his experience. Then he wrote of the implications of his experience. Then he channeled spiritual poetry from the other side. He studied history, spirituality, and many things. His message now is very central to saving the planet.
  • Gopi Krishna is giving the positive answers, no one can beat him!
  • @deepak26v
    Words of gold. This video is from 2013 but Sir Krishna is talking about the things we are seeing today in the world.
  • Brother Gopi, thank you so much for this service. I know you've received this message since ALL is eternal. Namaste.
  • @Mrmorlam1
    Perfect. Thank you for putting this up.
  • @ashleyreyes22
    Great video by Mr. Krishna. Beautifully explained, thank you. I went through a kundalini awakening a few years and everything in me has changed since. I’m alcoholic and this was around the time I got sober. Through meditation (and kind of dying) I went through a profound experience as explained. I thought I was going “crazy” but looking back, grateful that I “came to” so suddenly. I love watching videos as this that I can always resonate with.
  • Love and devotion for god .Is all that is needed . I had this experience on my sofa .
  • @ronlynn8530
    Having my kundalini awakened 6 years ago this guy is speaking truth it is like living in 2 different worlds.
  • I think listening to Gopi Krishna articulate the majesty of the indescribable realms of consciousness that he is able to access is amazing. But the interviewer leaves a lot to be desired. It reminds me of having a tone-deaf person interview Mozart, sort of incredulously downplaying his achievements and taking the wind out of his sails. I wish the guy could have just focused on allowing Gopi Krishna to talk about his internal landscape.
  • @theelement6255
    Idk what brought me to this (most likely David Hawkins) but I feel the call to change the way I live for my evolution. It’s time. 🙏🏿
  • @anaduran4884
    So many people live like this in the world allready!...
  • I've been sick for last five years............ And i don't think I'm gonna get over this soon . I feel like the 15 years crisis period is upon me
  • @EddieBryan
    I wonder when this was done. Happy to see it. It's just great. I read one of Gopi Krishna's books back in the 80's. The Kundalini is a fascinating subject. I wonder about the year because the interviewer sounds very ignorant in the way he pronounces both Krishna and Kundalini.
  • For anyone going through a kundalini awakening this is the only book you need to read: "enlightenment through the path of kundalini by tara springett" and remember surrendering is key don’t fight it and focus on self realisation that’s the whole purpose of kundalini being awakened in the first place, its a highway to awakening and the best way to awaken and realise your true self is through self inquiry.
  • @jsfingerstyle
    The spontaneous Kundalini experience has always been more pleasant than the willed effort for me .I've had trouble breathing and have had painful pressure in the ears with a forced will attempt to experience the Rising .
  • @SB-iz8sz
    Thank you very much for this explanation, very interesting.