Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast Ep. 149 - Back 2 Basics [Oct. 3, 2019]

Published 2020-05-25

All Comments (21)
  • Started listening a month ago, its crazy how pretty much all dawgs eventually work their way back through the casts. Ive seen comments from. 3 yrs ago then another from 2 days ago on the same thread. The casts transcend space and time
  • @westingband
    A depressed dude and a lunatic and I am here for it.
  • @lgk99
    “The whole point of conscious thought is to interact with the eternal” Matt just casually dropping the meaning of life on a cast. Nice.
  • @hendohblowdro
    I can see Matt lookin at a tadpole in the creek sayin "I was just like you once" 😂😂😂😂
  • As an aspiring biochemist, the shaman contradicting my 2D cage of mathematics is absolutely rocking my world
  • @johnmaksin9679
    Listening drunk 3 years ago, i didnt know wtf matt was talking about with his wind theory Listening sober, right now, i still dont know wtf matt wss talking about with his wind theory 💀
  • @shmorgisbored
    Underwater farts fresh off an snl firing hits different.
  • @Sprite_525
    48:59 Matt : “I’ve always had an Apollonian temperament . I’m a world-merger. I can’t help that… “ Shane : “ 🙄 oh you were an ‘Apollonian world-merger’ alright” Shane’s reactions to Matt using new words always gets me smiling
  • @arryospeedwagon
    "I'm just a turd in a puddle of punch" might be the funniest thing I've ever heard.
  • This cast pulled me out of a depression that I didn't know I was in. Thanks bros
  • @mikejones9702
    Wild to listen back on this episode as the boys are now doing cold plunges with Saint Rogies
  • @Spritofjazz
    I’m gonna go out to a creek and blare powerman 5000 after this pod
  • @schmo49
    Matt's proposal story is the best. It makes me so happy to hear about his autistic social situations
  • @timonvader
    Man, I don't even have TIME for creeks.
  • The creek story has me in shambles, my day to day consists of, well, I’ll just describe it as maintaining recreation properties and facilities owned by the public and run by a local municipality. I have been under a magnifying glass lately, by peers and superiors alike, because (while still following the antiquated rules of such employment entity) I have been going against the usual grain to carry out things in a more creative and efficient way. I had finished a work order, and the location I was at happened to have a creek running through it. Things have been rough lately, and I took the time to sit next to the creek and watch the water go by. My boss rolled up on me and replicated the exact scenario Matt had with the anti-creek guy, and I have been balancing the same split second though processes Matt has described. That story could not have been more spot on with a real life occurrence of my own, I am so happy, and completely shaken at the parallel McCuskie’s and life has shared.