Dungeons and Dragons Lore: Bahamut

Published 2018-03-19
The Platinum Dragon, God of Good and Metallic dragons, patron god of Justice, Protection and Paladins.

All Comments (21)
  • I put Bahamut it my campaign very briefly for the “Christmas episode”. All the characters were advancing to 6th level, and Bahamut appeared to the Dragonborn in his old man guise to teach him about his developing breath weapon and how to use his barbarian abilities. At the end of the session, when everyone was sitting down and enjoying the “feast of the moon”, they looked up into the sky to see a golden sleigh, pulled by seven golden reindeer, and a kindly old man sitting behind the reins. As they stare in amazement, the sleigh bursts into flames, the reindeers change into golden dragons, and they hear the roaring voice of the old man- now a 55 metre long platinum dragon- shouting “a merry feast to all, and to all a good FIGHT!” Echoing off into the cold winter’s sky as they all fly away. The players still refer to him as “metal Santa Claus”
  • @Nyghtking
    I wonder how a kobold would react to seeing Bahumat in his true form, they are creations of Tiamat but they probably would never have seen something even close to as majestic as Bahumat, so I imagine a kobold falling to their knees, speechless, and weeping tears of joy at just how majestic the sight in front of them is, like how a person can be moved to tears by a painting or a song.
  • "Great power has never corrupted Bahamut." Love that. It's a brutal game. Good to have greater gods looking after you
  • Bahamut taught Roshi the Kamehameha, who then taught Goku. Change my mind
  • @DHTheAlaskan
    Bahamut has always been my go to example of Lawful Good done right. You don't need to be a massive prick to be lawful good. Adhear to a strong sense of honor and justice, lead by example inspire others to do good though your own actions.
  • @fhuber7507
    Teleport at will... as a reaction he can teleport out of the way of an attack... "You rolled a 20? He's not there. You missed. He's 20 ft away and he's using his disintegration breath on you. To save you have to get a natural 30 on a D20 with disadvantage." "I'm sorry. You're the one who was dumb enough to attack a high deity."
  • Bahamut's breath weapon is a great way to end an evil campaign. Hahaha. The last thing the city sees is a platinum dragon above it.
  • I do NOT like how the gold dragon names started off rhyming and then just stopped halfway through like wtf
  • @smithsmith1956
    I know this is way late. But the "Be good. If not be careful" is exactly what we're told in the military when we go on libo/holiday/leave. It's "Don't do stupid shite and act right. If you're going to do stupid shite and act a fool, then don't get caught." Lord did I have myself some adventures. One involved drinking heavily with a Thai black market weapons dealing group, an RPG7, and a cow.
  • What would Bahamut think of a party of adventurers who created a gold dragon by manipulating the Weave with ancient Netherese magic to turn an illusory gold dragon into a real, living, breathing one?
  • @Daimon-X
    Good old Papa Dragon. Draconic Allfather badass title for badass character. All hail Bahamut.
  • Love the ideas for perversions of Bahamuts commandments via zeal and narrow focus. I have a character I've been refining and playing with for my local group that's meant to be a fairly adult golden dragon who, via Bahamuts divine judgement, was stricken down, and stripped of her draconic form and power, and reborn/reformed into a mortal form (a tiefling, we'd all decided on, to put her in a persecuted position in life), with only the fuzziest fragments of memories of her old life, if anything understandable at all. And her only concrete memory was the command of Bahamut to serve his ideals, and learn what it truly means to be a force of good. We had it that she'd let her zeal and focus on Law and Good turn into tyranny and destruction. And some of the fragments of memory she's been getting back have shown some huge focus on specific commandments/ideals, without context or temperance from others. And, as a Paladin, I've been playing her as trying to balance her focus and life according to all the commandments, and living by the spirit of them, not the letter. And definitely struggling a small amount. And I'm so glad hearing you talk about this k8nd of thing, because it's making me know I'm not going WAY out into left field with this stuff. Plus, the fun part of it has been that the main antagonizing force in the campaign has been a cult of Tiamat, trying to bring her into the Material Plane. And our DM has been throwing some hints that the small group of Bahamut priests we've met are very much corrupt in the way of laser focus and zealousness. So it shouuld get pretty interesting.
  • One great post I wish I had saved from the D&D Forums was the "Gods Of The Mirror-verse." In it Bahamut was a Lawful Evil Iron Dragon, but as a Platinum Dragon he is nearly unique I imagine he would be better as a Lawful Evil Uranium Dragon. In the thread they also detailed the Chaotic Good version of Tiamat The Rainbow Dragon, the Chaotic Good Gruumsh 3 Eye, the Elven God Corellon Larethian leader of the Iron Reich, and so on. I can't be the only one who'd love to hear an Ecology of the Mirror-verse.
  • @JanusHoW
    I love the description the 3E Manual of the Planes gives for his lair on Celestia. He's basically turned his entire hoard into his lair, with floors of polished mithral, the walls encrusted with the finest gemstones and all that...and interspersed among them are the remains of would-be thieves. Just goes to show that even the Platinum Dragon has a bit of a greedy streak. Thankfully, it's said that Bahamut is willing to part with a portion of his hoard if he knows it is for a good cause (and as a greater deity, he surely knows a good cause when he hears it), and the person who needs his wealth just asks him nicely. Also, was that the Wave Motion Gun from Space Battleship Yamato at 6:49? Yeah, I'd say that's a pretty accurate description.
  • @argus2389
    14:14 this confuses me because Bahamut is known to be one of the most compassionate beings in the multiverse, and being a deity of enlightened justice, which is justice tempered with mercy and punishment with forgiveness
  • @warlich666
    "it goes something like this" Very nice touch there. Laughed and loved this.
  • @AgentWebs
    This is perfect! I'm currently playing a Bahamut worshipping Kobold paladin with a little draconic sorcerer multiclass and I've been meaning to get more inspiration. Thanks AJ!