A Deep Dive into MLP’s Most MYSTERIOUS Character!

Published 2024-06-01

All Comments (21)
  • @oddishhime
    Hello to everyone who’s found me through this video! This was actually my first time making a video talking about MLP, and I wasn’t really sure how it would be received, so thank you very much for all your kind comments! 💖 I’m currently working on a rewatch of the series (I’m halfway through season 8 right now) so will be making more MLP videos soon! 🎉
  • @fataleflare
    The fact that they turned her origin story into a book and not an episode in S4 where Twilight could ask Cadence how she became a princess and how she delt with the responsibilities early on.
  • @coffeecaim2527
    I like how Celestia and Luna are sun and moon sisters and Cadence and Twilight are love and friendship sisters
  • @prench
    it's crazy because she's a straight up alicorn!! with such pretty colours and yet they decided to just never use her?
  • @Good_luck_.
    She was ALWAYS my favorite, the fact that she started out as a pegasus always made me think she was special, like an under dog of sorts
  • @PatriotMapper
    It’s kind of sad how you have to read the IDW comics nopony talks about the G. M. Berrow novels you can only find in the middle of juvenile fiction at the library to fully grasp Cadance’s character. She is far from my favorite character, but she is a great one nonetheless and pretty underrated. I wish we saw more of her and her backstory in the show.
  • @TheBlueStar16
    I don’t know if there is a Canon answer for why Prince Blueblood is Celestia and Luna’s nephew, but my personal theory is that he is like one of the last descendants of the original unicorn monarchy from a hearths warming tale. He’s the last descendant of Princess Platinum
  • @7ulm
    Finally, a “deep dive” video that it’s not 6 hours length
  • I’m really upset we didn’t get more screentime and interactions from Princess Cadance. She had a great introduction, and definitely proved herself worthy of her Princess title. I loveee her backstory in the chapter books, and I love how sweet, and caring she is. The saltiest I’ve ever been is when she made an appearence in the finale, but didn’t join them for the final fight. I wanted to see her and Chrysalis banter in a fight, and would’ve loved to see her lead her subjects to wage against the terrible trio, especially since their whole thing is that they’re filled with love.
  • @acjmonkeyaj7139
    I think the inconsistency regarding Twilight not recognizing Cadance at first might be because either Twilight only ever knew Cadance by the latter name and not her full name, or Twilight got so used to calling Cadance by the latter name that she forgot what Cadance's full name was. Both are equally possible. Not to mention, Twilight did say herself that she was having trouble staying in touch with her brother in the Canterlot Wedding episode. Not directly, but it was somewhere along those lines. It's actually the same thing with Applejack and Coloratura. Applejack didn't recognize Coloratura's name until Pinkie showed her Coloratura's cutie mark. Long names are easily forgettable, but nicknames are easier to remember.
  • Even if Cadence was made to sell more toys, I always really liked her and considered her one of my favorite Princesses for the show. I do wish we got to see more of her, especially more of her and Twilight since they have such a sweet bond <3
  • @kiatamera4931
    From the theories I read, the long-flowing mane (that the other princesses have ) is directly dependent on how much magic the pony in question has, this is why Mistmane (who isn't an alicorn) had the same flowing hair as Celestia, Luna, and (later on) Twilight.
  • @CommanderDarcy
    Princess Cadence is my absolute favorite princess no doubts about it she's just so sweet and fun and the mysteries around her make her so compelling, i absolutely love her
  • @cammies7365
    My head canon was that born alicorns are immortal (like Luna and Celestia) and “awarded” alicorns (like cadence and twilight) were just powerful and deemed royalty. The show destroyed this from every angle and it irritates me but whatever lol
  • @chuu970
    Honestly I really really love Cadence, ever since she was revealed I just really felt drawn to her. It's so sad that she wasn't that included in the show😕
  • IDC what anyone else says, Cadence is best princess. Who else of the royal alicorns can 1. Run a kingdom as an actual Queen rather than a princess, (even though she still keeps the title of Princess), 2. Has a significant other ruling alongside them and assisting them consistently, and 3. Be a caring, attentive mother to a baby alicorn, and a damn good one at that?
  • Fun fact: There is an alternative version of cadence that is evil in the MLP IDW reflection comics. In the alternative universe she's the princess of hate and her cutie mark is a broken crystal heart. It's also stated that in this alternative universe, she's the most evil and most powerful among evil Celestia and Luna. It's also hinted that she may have a transformation similar to Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker but sadly it's never mentioned again and we never get to see it.
  • I feel that Discord is also a mysterious characters. We know pretty much nothing of his backstory… Where is he from? How did he get his powers? Is he the only one of his species? How does he exist? Was he born as the lord of Chaos? Does he have some relation to the devil? Was he created in a freak accident? Where did he get his powers from? Is he god? Is he satan? How old is he? Did he know Celestia as a child? Can he move between realities and universes? Was he around when Equestria/Earth was made?
  • @art-eroflore
    Although I would love to have concrete Cadance backstory, I do think kids shows are stronger when they leave the world a little mysterious. That way, kids playing with the toys can come up with their own backstories for the characters and play those out. Also kids who haven't seen every episode just need a grasp on Cadance's personality to start playing with her toys. (I do think she was designed to sell toys, but so was the whole franchise, and I'm a fan of the 80s cartoons and toys too so I've made my peace with that- she doesn't have to be a bad character just because she was made to sell toys!) I preferred earlier on in the show when they didn't flesh out as many non-pony species, kingdoms, ancient ponies- I love worldbuilding lore, but it began to feel a bit tangled even for me.