⛪️ Connect Church Global Headquarters Reopening Celebration! | Speaker Prophet Todd Hall #ccplano

Published 2021-11-15
We were on tiptoe anticipation as we take a moment to press pause, rewind and celebrate God's faithfulness in allowing us to gather for 6 years. This moment was even more electrifying because we were also rededicating our building which has just undergone a 80K renovation. Our speaker of the evening was Prophet Dr Todd Hall of Shabach Ministries our of Orlando, Florida.

Thank you for watching the playback. Please LIKE, SHARE, and TAG your FAV 5! There is a POWERFUL WORD in store this evening

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All Comments (14)
  • Immediately this 📖word still stand strong in my heart❤️ cause I'm NEXT!!!🙌🏽🔥
  • @yachiydah.729
    Thank you for always blessing through the set apart children of the Most High YaH!
  • @truth4life350
    A.W. Pink had preached this message entitled” They will awaken in hell” back in the 30’s or 40’s. When I had listened to it I began to weep with tears of joy. He provides the listeners with an understanding of apostasy and how it has crept into the modern day churches as well as modern day evangelicalism. He touches on how it will and is currently sending millions of unsuspecting people to hell. The reason for my emotional response after listening to his message, was that I too was once affiliated with the ungodly apostate movement that has spread rapidly throughout the world and I was on my way to hell. But thanks be to God that I was rescued by His loving grace. A.W. Pink spoke on how modern day evangelicalism is NOT evangelicalism at all! Nothing is mentioned in modern day evangelicalism on why unbelievers should DESPERATELY seek Christ. Nothing is mentioned on how God is being restrained by the sacrificial death of His son on cross from destroying all unbelievers. Modern day evangelicalism ONLY speak on the love of Christ and NOT the wrath of His father! They failed to mention that men are TOTALLY depraved. Totally incapable of making peace with God without having Christ as a savior from the wrath of God. Their apostate churches rely strongly on music, activities, storytelling, praises dancing, sensationalism and jokes to lure their unsuspecting congregations to hell. The Apostle Paul said that he relies on NOTHING but the efficiency of the preached GOSPEL ALONE! to win the lost! ❤️🙏🏿
  • Yes he's one of the pooping prophets that rock the house for Jesus Christ you better get ready to revive it because it's coming to pass
  • @truth4life350
    It is NOT the cross (crucifix) a person wears around their neck that makes them right with God, it’s the one they HAVE to carry on their backs. 🕊Luke14:27🕊 And whoever does NOT carry their cross and follow me CANNOT be my disciple.
  • @truth4life350
    All worldly things are VAIN! When a TRUE Christian is ask to participate in worldly activities, he or she often times does so reluctantly or refuses to engage altogether knowing that it will NOT profit them. They feel the SAME way when it comes to receiving WORLDLY possessions. Here’s what King Solomon said, (the wisest man that ever lived) regarding VAINTY. Ecclesiastes 1:14 “I have seen ALL the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, ALL is VAINTY and (frustrating and annoying) vexation of spirit.” After king Solomon had engaged in EVERYTHING that he believed could possibly bring him happiness, it ultimately left him feeling sad and GREATLY disappointed. He had concluded with these words for the WISE. “Now all has been heard; here is the CONCLUSION of the matter: FEAR God and KEEP His commandments, for this is the duty of ALL mankind. For God WILL bring every deed into JUDGEMENT, including every HIDDEN thing, whether it is good or evil. PEOPLE, PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT CHRIST DOES NOT SHOW MERCY AS A JUDGE, ONLY AS A SAVIOR! Let this fallen world go and cling to Christ before it’s too late! 🙏🏿
  • @truth4life350
    If I told a sinner that God is GOOD, what do you think his response SHOULD be? A) Happy B) pleased C) carefree D) fearful E) excited If you had chosen A,B,C or E, you had chosen incorrectly... thanks to poor modern day evangelicalism. If God is GOOD and indeed He is, He MUST destroy ALL that is NOT good in order for Him to be just! Only a good and righteous judge will punish a violator for breaking the laws....and only a corrupt and dishonest judge would ALLOW a criminal to NOT be held accountable for his or her crimes and insist that he or she be set free to continue to commit more crimes. Jesus said “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin NO more. John 8:11. Yes Christ had forgiven the adulterous woman for her sins, but He made it clear that she could NOT continue in sin and expect the same results! Salvation is NOT an one time flu shot. We DO NOT surrender our lives to Christ at the alter believing that we can CONTINUE violating His laws. If we do we SHOULD be horrified. 🕊❤️🙏🏿
  • @truth4life350
    “Far better for a man that he had NEVER been born than that he should DEGRADE a pulpit into a show box to exhibit HIMSELF in.” ― Charles H. Spurgeon
  • @truth4life350
    What is really sad about this foolishness is 50 people confirmed that they have no clue who Christ is by giving a thumbs up sign 😕