Little Snake from Thailand

Published 2016-11-15
Last of the ~20 snakes we caught in 17 years of "adventures" in Thailand, mostly around the house, few around our company, generally non-venomous, 3 or 4 of them mildly venomous. Last two (this little guy and a former flying snake, both non-venomous) succeeded in biting us, which is a sign that we are getting older... Usually we caught them in May-June when the rains start, and the water fills their holes. Most are small and can't byte through the skin, but we also had few larger. The larger are slower... Well, except for the flying snake which is bloody fast! We didn't see it when it bit us... We released all of them.

By the way, this little guy is a totally harmless (for humans) Asian Mud Snake, you can see its short fat body and the characteristics dark bands on the lower jaw. At the time we caught it, due to the dark surrounding, we assumed it is either a small python or a water snake, and no sign was given in the direction that it could be venomous.

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