Kaillie Humphries and her team crashed in Winterberg

Published 2015-03-07
2014/2015 FIBT World Championship. First crash of Kaillie Humphries in 4 Man bobsleigh.

All Comments (21)
  • @dishankb9213
    First the broom, then the fan then the miss cart now this , YouTube recommended is playing with me
  • @andrewb378
    I find it funny that halfway up the track the announcer said something to the effect of "You can no longer doubt her ability to drive for this team" and then about 20 seconds later they come out of a turn upside down
  • Glad to see all these folks using their heads in a race!!!! Inspirational!!
  • @Nightstalker321
    “No doubting her ability to drive……….” Lots of doubt to be had!
  • @nauuwgtx
    This is how our parent's told us about their journey to school back then that was like recovering a plane from a stall and nearly become ragdolls.
  • @autumn0-032
    honored to have been on this journey with you all
  • @Markus_Andrew
    I can't believe so many people have never seen bobsleighing. It's been a regular event in the Winter Olympics since the 1920s.
  • @jtmnavy
    It’s like the log ride at Disneyland but with no funny picture at the end
  • @R.Oates7902
    That was wild! I'm grateful no one seems to be hurt.
  • @Yevgeney13
    Congratulations Kaillie on winning a gold medal at Beijing 2022!
  • @nathanbeeney465
    a broom, paper airplane, no brakes, someone completely missing the sled, then a full team crashing? damn youtube recommendations is really tryna say something to all of us
  • @arciks11
    I always wondered why Humphries decided to compete in Men's 4 for like season or two. Because handicap of weaker start and less weight is insurmountable at top level no mater how well you drive.
  • A long time ago there was a Jamaican team that was led by a legend. They had a similar crash. However they got up, and carried their sled across the finish line. They were disqualified, sure. But on that day, they earned everyone's respect.
  • @Crackawacka95
    My favorite thing about these videos coming up is how everyone's been on the same journey i've been on. Glad we're all experiencing this together
  • @jrei7448
    does only the first person steer and the other 3 just pray not to crash?
  • @metallampman
    The rest of the team should have tested to see if SHE could parallel park first
  • @emackb1457
    It all started with a broom, and now I’ve binged winter sports crashes like it’s a Netflix show