The Expanse 1x1 Reaction!! "Dulcinea"

Published 2024-07-22
My first time watching The Expanse Series Premiere 1x1 Dulcinea

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Hi, I'm Chris! Welcome to my channel. I react to movies & tv shows hoping to represent what it's really like to experience them for the first time. If you enjoy, you can support me by liking the video, subscribing to the channel, and letting me know your thoughts in the comments.

The Expanse is off to an amazing start! I was blown away by the world building and I absolutely love the pacing of the story so far. I am hooked and can't wait to see where this show goes from here!

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Original Series: The Expanse (2015)

All Comments (21)
  • @Luzarioth
    Here we go again... one does not simply watch The Expanse without becomming obsessed ^^*
  • @Luzarioth
    The Books are VERY worth reading. The show combined Characters and skipped a few things in order to be a better TV-Show, so after the show is done, going back and reading the books just adds to it all :) (also the show doesn't have all of the books)
  • I love how we have had all these other sci-fi series that have special detectors and sensors that can analyze all sorts of things, meanwhile The Expanse sensors gives us "a big hole in the side"
  • I am one of those guys that usually says "the books were better." But that's not the case for The Expanse. The showrunners made some slight changes (with the guidance of the original authors!) These things were great in the book, but wouldn't make great TV, so they changed events, event order, some characters, and overall made it flow better for TV. The books are great for some extra lore, getting to know more of what is going on in the heads of characters, and seeing a different way events play out. They are still for sure worth reading, but make no mistake, the show is in NO WAY a watered down version of the book! You are going to love this show!
  • @ronb6152
    Best Sci-Fi show ever. The writing and character building are unmatched. And unlike most sci-fi shows, it actually stay as true to actual physics as possible. New sub here to witness your journey.
  • @Golladan
    Oh I love the Expanse's opening sequence. How it tells a story and changes as the seasons progress.
  • This story began as a role-playing game, and some elements of that origin remain in the story. The creators of the game wrote a successful series of novels, and those same creators are in the screenwriting room guiding the adaptation to the screen. They have called this the "final draft" of their story, and they stayed fully involved in its production. "Welwala" comes from a Hindi word for "fellow" and the concept of the inner planets having deep gravity wells. But you'll catch on. Keep captions turned on. This series sucked me in with the "flip and burn." I'd originally learned about this maneuver in February 1965 from the Robert Heinlein novel "Have Space Suit-Will Travel." This was the first time I'd seen it on the screen...I may have squeaked out loud. Like the best of classic "hard" science fiction, this show uses real physics as a character of the story. As others have or will say, this show does not hold the hands of the audience. They show, don't tell, and they may only show you once. There is no fluff. There are no wasted scenes, no wasted dialog. Even details in the background give you important information. One reactor froze the scenes to read computer screens in the background, and that paid off. The writers know the entire saga from the beginning, so they have planted clues to events even seasons into the future into even this first episode.
  • @silgen
    The best SF show ever made. No magic warp drives and artificial gravity, just realistic physics (those boots are magnetic, btw). Great characters (you probably don't realise it yet, but you've just met what will become your favourite character ever, and it's not the obvious one), and a great, fascinating story. Also, consider the first three episodes as the countdown, episode four as liftoff, and the ride just gets wilder from there.
  • The expanse is the most scientifically accurate sci fi show made and the writing is excellent, one of the best sci fi shows ever made
  • @prudy67
    Best scifi show ever. The books are great and give so much extra info. Welcome to The Churn.
  • @beccabex321
    An adaptation made by people who clearly, genuinely care about the storytelling and craft! It shouldn't be a rarity, but in the current landscape of TV & Film, it definitely feels like one.
  • The two most important non-spoiler things are that author is a pen name for two people. The other thing is that they were active in the writing in the show so their vision and staying true to the books was kept. But they both knew some things have to change for a TV medium, so they did so without changing the main story. Some characters in the books are changed or combined where needed, but it is still follows the books well.
  • Welcome to the master-class in cliff-hangers that is The Expanse. 😁 And there is no "anti-gravity" in this setting. The only ways to have "gravity" is to either have a large-enough mass; to accelerate with engines so the deck pushes up against the bottom of the crew's feet; or to spin a station. And, yes, that means the decks on the ships are stacked like the floors in a building. The flamey end of the ship is "down" (not "back") and the pointy end is "up" (not "forward").
  • Just finished the full length reaction. Takes some people a couple of episodes to get hooked with all the world building. I wasn't one of these, I fell in love from the get go, especially when I heard them say flip and burn.... showed that the show was grounded in real science, that ships need to slow down to change course etc. The fact that you love this pilot is a good sign, think you are going to love this show. (and yes, you will be cursing at the end of many an episode, when it comes to an end, lol) Love the little details, like how the belters have their own creole language, and doesn't translate for you, making you feel like an Earther in a foreign land. The creole language is a bit of an amalgam of existing earth languages, and you actually get to understand it a bit after a while. For example Wellwala, the insult thrown at Miller, comes from the Hindi wala(meaning lover) and Well for a gravity well, ie a planet. So basically it means planet lover, a belter sellout to Earth or Mars. To make a real world comparison, it would be similar to the old insult of 'Uncle Tom' to the Black community in the US. Other phrases you might hear frequently, 'Sasa ke', meaning 'You know', often used as a bit of a filler in a sentence. If you are familiar with French or Spanish, you can catch the roots of this. Other little details, belters tend to also use their hands alot when they speak, because in space, they spend alot of time in suits, so gestures help communicate your meaning. These little touches make the world really lived in. There is very little filler in the show as well. They put things in for a reason, and often doesn't pay off for a while, but it was there. For example, when Holden and the Captain are talking about the XO position, and the Captain talks about Earth and Mars hammering out a peace deal eventually, it briefly flashes to a vid screen, with Avarsarala on it, labelled as UN undersecretary. That is the Indian woman, on Earth. Don't worry though about missing things, I'm still catching little details after countless rewatches. Looking forward to this immensely. Its an early birthday present for me. (bonus as well, the Expanse fanbase is one of the most welcoming and supportive, and also really good at not spoiling)
  • @L1VE3V1L
    After you finish this show, you will no longer be a casual nerd, but a full blown one. Best show ever made.
  • The Expanse blew me away with how it so quickly became one of my favourite shows ever, standing alongside Doctor Who and company as one of the best things I've watched. I think it was just the sheer genius of the worldbuilding and how real it all feels (and as someone who works in the space industry, how realistic it mostly *is!*), but the fact that every character is stunningly well written and the plot is gripping as hell certainly didn't hurt.
  • I'm exceptionally excited for this. Far and away the most impressive modern scifi series, imo. Have fun!
  • @Braincleaner
    Blind Wave called this one of the best shows they have seen and had it "A Tier" in their show reactions list.