Randomly Remembering TheTruthIsWhatYouBelieve.com

Published 2020-12-02
The fluid and ever evolving internet. Barely a trace of so many elements. It makes me sad how so many creative websites, online forums, and avenues have all but disappeared from the web. I feel this is one of those websites. I don't know what it is with these web developers and making so many websites the same, using the same interactions, templates, algorithms etc. So much imagination is being stripped away, as well as mystery, psuedonymity, and privacy.
I guess this is just a bit of archival commentary about a particular site I used to visit when I was younger. This stuff used to be the shit back in the day [to me].
I know this will probably be boring AF for most people lol
ALSO I was very tired when I recorded this so excuse my horrible narration and lack of energy.
And apologies for the horrible sound levels. I didn't edit anything. 'CAUSE AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FERDAT :D

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