10 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Breathing Fast

Published 2020-09-06
This video is based on Barking Royalty’s article reviewed by our vet Margarita Boyd


Whenever in doubt, better be safe than sorry and contact your vet if you notice some unusual changes in your dog.

Here are some reasons why your dog is panting:

1. Overheating 02:27

Heatstroke or overheating is a serious and life-threatening condition that usually occurs when dogs are left in closed cars or are walked on a very hot day.

The clear signs of heatstroke include high body temperature, excessive panting, excessive salivation, bright red gums, increased heart rate, and collapse.

Heatstroke happens rapidly and there’s often not a lot of time to do anything. This is why it is important to do everything possible to prevent overheating from happening.

2. Exercise 03:00

This is the most obvious reason for panting, but some dog owners still worry when they see their dog panting after a good run. Usually, a dog’s breathing rate should go back to normal within minutes, but it may vary depending on your dog’s fitness level and weight.

Usually, panting after exercise isn’t a big deal, unless your dog was exhausted due to running on a very hot day which is highly discouraged.

3. Breed predisposition 03:27

As you may know, there are certain breeds that have a predisposition for developing breathing difficulties because of their short noses or “pushed in” faces. These breeds are called Brachycephalic breeds and include Pugs, Boxers, French Bulldogs, and similar breeds.

These cuties have narrow windpipes, which makes their breathing less efficient. Unfortunately, this means that these dogs are more prone to having a higher risk of heatstroke and a generally faster rate of breathing.

4. Pain 03:57

Sometimes it might be really difficult to interpret when a dog’s in pain. However, it may be good to know that fast breathing accompanied by excessive vocalization or constant licking might be a sign that something is hurting your dog.

5. Heart disease 04:11

Shallow breathing may be a sign of heart disease such as heartworm, heart valve disease, Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA), or congestive heart failure.

In these cases, fast and shallow breathing is caused by the heart’s inability to pump oxygen efficiently. Heart diseases are more often seen in older dogs and are often accompanied by symptoms such as: coughing, reduced appetite, lethargy, or swollen abdomen.

6. Milk fever 04:41

Milk fever, also known as Eclampsia, is a serious condition that occurs in pregnant or nursing mothers. It happens when there is a sudden drop in calcium levels in the blood.

Signs of milk fever often include increased breathing rate, tremors, weakness, or complete inability to stand or walk.

This is a life-threatening condition, making milk fever one of the reasons why pregnant or nursing mothers should be monitored for any change in their behavior and brought to the vet check-up whenever there are some unusual physical signs.

7. Tick-borne diseases 05:13

Ticks are known to transmit some pretty dangerous diseases. These parasites can transmit a large number of tick-borne diseases such as: Lyme disease, Canine Anaplasmosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Canine Babesiosis, etc.

Often, the first signs of a tick-borne disease are fever and increased breathing rate.

8. Traumas or accidents 05:36

After an accident or injury, a dog might start breathing rapidly as a result of a combination of pain and shock.

When dogs are under shock, their body requires higher levels of oxygen, making them breathe faster. So if your dog got into an accident or got hit by a car, panting might be a natural reaction to such an event.

However, there is always a possibility your dog may have injured an airway or lungs, which is why it is highly advised to bring your dog to the vet whenever an accident occurs.

9. Behavioral panting 06:07

This is another common reason that doesn’t include any serious underlying health issues. Just like some people sigh or breathe in a different manner when in stress, dogs can breathe faster than normal when feeling anxious, scared or stressed.

Usually, behavioral panting doesn’t appear alone. It is normally presented with trembling, lip licking, yawning, hiding, or excessive barking.

10. Anemia 06:31

Finally, when dogs have a lower level of red blood cells than normal, their body isn’t getting a sufficient amount of oxygen which leads to faster breathing.

Anemia comes with other symptoms like weakness, elevated heart rate, pale-colored gums, and a visible mental confusion.


All Comments (21)
  • My sister’s puppy / dog A teacup yorkie name Harley. I believe he’s 8 or 9 years old. They took him to a dog hospital over his knee and they did surgery on him and told them there was more then his knee cap out of place with him and put a pin in his knee and said if it wasn’t healed up within 6 weeks from his surgery they’ll have to take the pin out! Now for the last two days his breathing is not good.. His breathing don’t sound right and keeps panting only when he’s not asleep!!! When he’s got pain he’ll jump and try to run.
  • @oliviamcveigh900
    We took our dog in with increased breathing and found out she had aspiration pneumonia. $500 later we’re home with antibiotics and recommendations for a slow feeder and smaller meals 3x a day instead of big meals twice a day
  • @doki-doki2399
    My dog was Breathing very loud it sounds like asthma. So he was relaxing and yeah I think tahts it….
  • @klacey7494
    My dogs breathing really hard. Like it’s a deep inhale and a quick exhale. It’s not cuz of to much movement cuz she’s been laying here for an hour or more
  • can someone help me, my dog have a lump near his belly, its soft i dont think its a tumor but i dont know what its since our other dogs dont have same thing. And now he's lying here breathing fast and keeps rolling every minute. Im scared that there's something wrong he's feeling. I cant afford to take him to the vet
  • My dog back right leg was pulled by a child while playing and from that incident my dog is having some issues like he not walking properly, bending one leg and then sits on his back and some time whlie sleeping he crys
  • @mbacoachkaren
    Unfortunately, I was unable to hear you due to the annoying music that's louder than you. Thanks for sharing thought. Left to visit another video...
  • Someone please help my dog is breathing really fast while sleeping. He went for a big run around today and even accidentally jumped in a pond. Its been 2-3 hours since we went out for walk. Im worried
  • This video could have been far more helpful if you didn't have that nerve racking music playing all through it. It's very distracting!
  • @faxzaie1418
    Remember the verse I cited earlier—Hebrews 5:8? God allows things to happen for a reason. All things are either caused by Him or allowed by Him for His own purposes and through His perfect will and timing…. Even though God is immensely good, bad things will happen. . Revelation 16:15 ("Behold, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeping his garments on, that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed!") . Revelation 21:4-7 "there will be no more death , or mourning , or crying , or pain. I am making everything new. Yes! I am coming soon.". . John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. . (1 Thessalonians 4:17)—is the next event on the prophetic calendar. The Rapture is when Christ comes back and takes every Christian that is still on this earth and resurrects all of those who have died and takes them to heaven with Him. . In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8, Paul expresses that the Lord’s return will be like a thief in the night. No one knows the date or time. However, there are several signs of the End Times that we can all be aware of. Events such as earthquakes and diseases, war and dispute among nations, and persecution against Christians are all signs leading to the Rapture. .