Easy & Elegant DIY COMPOSTING TOILET - Better Than the Expensive Ones!

Published 2022-07-30
Here is a simple, easy and STYLING composting toilet build that works great!

All Comments (21)
  • @EffieG-ez9tf
    Very nice build and saves tons of water. A note you might consider: before using the toilet, put in 2-3 generous scoops of sawdust or peat moss into the bottom of the fresh bag, sort of like a nest. Be sure not to use Cedar wood as it contains certain chemicals which are poisonous and would be harmful to any growing plants—for instance if the solid waste was actually disposed of into a compost pile that later was used to fertilize a vegetable garden. The veggies could absorb the toxins and harm whoever eventually ate them. One other comment: It looks like the white plastic insert under the toilet hangs down pretty low and into the bucket, potentially coming into contact with the waste inside. It might be easier if that piece of plastic was a little shorter, and didn’t touch the bucket at all. Just a matter of preference. Also, they say that you shouldn’t spray any odor reducer products (Clorox, room freshener, etc.) into the bucket with the solids as it will interfere with the ultimate composting function later.
  • @ThatAppalachian
    I built one identical to this for our off grid cabin. Works great! No clogging, no plumbing, no septic disasters, AND you get great compost!
  • @u.s.militia7682
    I’ve been ripping up all my junk mail and using it. Works fine.
  • @judytinney5357
    Thanks. I have one and think they are great! I find it helpful and less 'yuky' to line the pail with tall glad garbage bags (2). When full, I tie them, and my stronger half carries the bucket with bags to a 'special spot' where he puts the bag. It sits there for a year or so, then, I take it to my raised flower bed and dump the compost and cover it, noticing no nasty smells. I do not separate feces (poo) from pee. The Humanure Handbook from amazon was a great read as well.
  • @nickrich56
    I've been considering this exact method for my motorhome. No need for a holding tank and those headaches that follow. Sawdust is lighter than water to transport as well. Hygienic and odor free and "green" to boot! Thanks for the affirmation of using this technique!💪🏻🇨🇦
  • @brianlopez8855
    Cutting a second small round hole in the top of the board by the side of the seat with an inverted glass jar screwed into its inverted holed fixed lid (to the board) will allow light into the box and attract the flies. If the jar has fly paper in it they will not get out but get stuck. It saves them flying up your bum when you open the lid to use the WC and reduces the flies on the poop in the bucket. It works well. Watching the flies in the jar while doing your business is also mildly entertaining.
  • @MrTubeman123456
    Mine in my rv is very simular but i like another uses a bag and i keep a lid on the bucket with a handle works great .
  • Very interesting, saw this setup in the video you had in southeast Colorado, magnificent property!
  • @Stray1One
    Cheers man, I’m gonna need to build on in 5 days,
  • @JoseReyes-xs3js
    That is amazing ❤ i love it i thinking about doing this i got alot of tropical rare fruit trees in my back yard . Great idea 👍
  • I like help earth (save water, do recycling and so on) and that's the reason I want to give second life for our resource 🙂 I read Humanure Handbook by Joe Jenkins (great book btw) conclusion how we should collect our resource is depend where we will dumpt it out. I have cottage on the country side and I decided to bought barel which work very well (I drill wholes to make way to enter a creature who live underground). To cover I used wood sheavings and I know for sure: If you want using that cover material should to be moisture (smell like forest after rain) In this year I start using wood dust . When I using dry wood shavings I smell a litle bit. Because our liqiud we may use right the way, I preferr separating resource. It is easy to cover smell if they are separated. Great job.
  • @blumelia6332
    Really great to see how you are promoting a sustainable lifestyle :) We also liked your video about fungus gnats and have a question about it. Unfortunately we've had fungus gnats in our appartment for more than 2 years now and so far we haven't been able to get rid of them. We now tried your approach using Neem pellets solution for more than 5 weeks now. We let the solution sit for at least 3 hours, sometimes longer. To reach all the larva we watered the plants from the top as well as bottom watered them afterwards. In the end we let them drain thoroughly to get rid of excess water. The plants seem to be well, it definitely doesn't harm them, however we were not able to notice any reduction of the adult fungus gnats. When you started your battle against the fungus gnats about six years ago did you do anything besides using the pellets? Did you only bottom water the plants? Would you recommend continuing with this procedure after 5 weeks of not much progress? Thank you so much and continue your inspirational videos
  • Charcoal instead of sawdust is even better because you're creating terra preta, but I mix mine 1 to 3 because just charcoal stains your hands.
  • @clairabelle23
    Thanks for the vid - this is great ! Does this work for pee aswell as poo without smell ? Or getting too wet ? Also, what do you do with full buckets which although neutralized, wont be composted yet ? I dont have much land but could i empty these small buckets into a large plastic compost bin and say have two of these, using in rotation ? Only i would be using the toilet, so the larger bins would have plenty of time to compost down. Years probably ! Does this sound doable ? Is it ok to have them resting straight onto the earth ? Im guessing this is best, for worms etc ? And should I only ever use humanure on non edible plants ?
  • @SailingwithMaury
    Does bucket fill quicker with pee included since it would hydrate the bulk causing more expansion ?