Sam & Colby's First Paranormal Incident on the Queen Mary

Published 2023-01-10

All Comments (21)
  • @Eli-zo9yp
    picturing Joe going ghost hunting with teenagers stoned out of their minds is hilarious
  • @uslsuspect
    During my teenage years, I lived in a haunted house. It’s hard to explain to someone who’s never experienced it. Every spirit haunts differently. This particular presence seemed determined to chase away all of my girlfriends right before I could get to second base.
  • @Mappooo
    When I was still living in the house I grew up in I would sometimes hear my name being called by an adult woman. It always sounded like it came from outside of my room, like from the other side of the house, and it would only happen when I was alone in the house. Usually I would be having my headphones on and kinda vaguely hear it through my music. I sometimes checked the house to see if someone had come home, like maybe it was my mom's voice, even though it didn't exactly sound like her. I didn't have any neighbors nearby, and of the ones that lived nearby, nobody shared my name, so I kinda just shrugged it off as being a hallucination of some kind. The brain making things up from noise. But the strange thing is that when I got my first girlfriend, my house was the place where we usually hung out, and whenever it was just us at home I would never hear it. Then we broke up, and I started hearing the voice calling my name again from time to time. Then, I got together with a new girl, and she started hanging out at my place. At some point we started sharing ghost stories and experiences, and I told her about a few of mine, she told me a few of hers, and then I mentioned it to her. Before I met her, I would sometimes hear a woman calling out from somewhere inside the house. She looked at me wide eyed, and asked me "Is the voice calling your name?". At this point I'm thinking she's trying to scare me, but at the same time I didn't mention it calling my name, so I asked her "What, don't tell me you've heard it too?". Yes, she had heard it too. Calling my name, not her's. She actually seemed genuinely spooked, enough to convince me that she was being serious. Some time later I ran into my ex at school and we talked for a bit, and I asked her about if she's ever had anything weird or like supernatural feeling happening at my parents' house and she just casually said "Yeah, I sometimes imagined hearing your mom calling your name." And there is no way that my then gf would've told my ex since they didn't know each other and didn't go to the same school, and I never told anyone this. No clue what to make of it, but it's always been a bit of a surreal thing, and I thought it would be interesting enough to share.
  • @hearts16
    I’ve had one paranormal experience. I had a panic attack after. My 2 year old son was playing with letter magnets on the fridge. The fridge sits next to the laundry room doorway. At one point, my son dropped a magnet and it rolled into the laundry room. I saw someone pick it up and toss it back to my son, and it landed at his feet. He picked it up and continued to play. I figured it was my sister doing laundry in there, but I realized that I hadn’t seen her walk by me to go in there. So I looked in the room and no one was there. I was only able to see less than half of what it was (the shoulder, arm, etc, but no face since I was around the corner, so I didn’t have a full view.) It was insane. My dad got his gun ready thinking someone broke in, but that would be impossible for someone to break in and disappear two seconds after I saw it… unless it hid in the dryer which would be way too small, and impossible to do it in two seconds with no sound. There’s literally no way possible someone could have done that. It’s possible I hallucinated, but that’s never happened before, and my son reacted and picked it up after it landed at his feet.
  • @bofa4608
    I would like to hear Joe interview an actual ghost. Would be great to hear their perspective from the afterlife
  • @shikakabubu
    32 years old, former graveyard security guard. Ive for near minimum wage protected hospitals, morgues, graveyards throughout my early 20’s. all these very spooky places were very calm and no issues. I worked a state run retirement home for 8.50 an hour, 10pm-6am, people go here to live the last of their days out. I go into a room within a big hall area centered to the elderly townhouses, 3am, I lock myself into the hall, go to restroom to take a cat nap. I sit indian style on the ground and close my eyes, in this clean two stall bathroom locked into another building, a voice whispered into my left ear, “get out”. I sprinted out the building and stood under a light pole in the parking lot till the sun came up. i am a coherent man. I was 24 at the time.
  • @Spadookie
    I used to go explore the Queen Mary and nothing weird ever happened. I found out if you go through the emergency exits you would get to the deepest bowels. I found unrestored parts and even the swimming pool. Sad to hear it's shut down now, but it was inevitable.
  • @jac1207
    I remember another person on another podcast talking about their experience on the Queen Mary. They saw someone, in the mirror that was reflecting their room, and they stared as long as they could since they were more intrigued than scared. There's waaaaaaay too many accounts of people throughout history seeing weird things to just hand wave it all as make believe. Something's going on. We just don't know what exactly it is.
  • @GodDamnit7711
    For the old school JRE listeners, Joe used to talk about big foot, aliens, ghosts and conspiracies all the time. Good episode back then!
  • @GSDhandler1
    I was out walking my dog last autumn. Hes a German shepherd, he stopped in his tracks and stared straight forward through an opening in some shrubs I was appoching. As I noticed him looking, I looked towards where he was looking and saw what I can only describe as a very dark shadow, like thick black cloud, in the shape of a person. I just froze. It dissappeared after a 2 or 3 seconds. I looked straight at whatever the hell it was. I have no explanation at all.
  • I have had so many paranormal experiences since I was a young child. I’m skeptical to even share because I am completely coherent and sober but telling these stories would make any third party raise a brow. There’s so much around we don’t see with our human eyes but they are out there. It’s wild
  • I like that there's really no pattern to Joe's podcast. One podcast is a geopolitical analyst the next is kids hunting ghost.
  • Imagine dying, realizing you're an eternal spirit, and you're relegated to waiting in an old location, waiting for someone to ask you to do mundane shit to prove your existence. Lmfao.
  • @jrod9441
    One time I got back from the bar with my college roomates at our house, they all went to bed and i was in the kitchen getting a glass of water before bed. I got a strange feeling that I wasn’t alone and was having some anxiety, and the dishwasher door suddenly opens next to me and hits my leg. Nobody had used the dishwasher for hours and hours. We often hear walking and running sounds from upstairs till this day (still in college), and seeing shadows out of the corner of my eye many times.
  • @JATrainsRC
    We had something similar at my college. The story goes that a student hanged himself in his room. His brother later went to the school, got the same room and also hanged himself. They say If you look in the mirror you can see them hanging. The room was sealed for years until it was opened while the building was being renovated. We took a quick peak in the room but got a uneasy feeling and decided to beat feet.
  • @Martin-ko1lk
    I worked demolition years ago and this house I worked in constantly had noise coming from upstairs. It wasn’t only me that heard this, other guys on the site talked about hearing someone walking upstairs. I was alone there one day and nothing was going right, I felt totally drained, and I just wanted to go home. When I sat down to eat my lunch I heard the footsteps and said, "Go back to hell." I SWEAR on everyone and everything I heard what sounded like a man running down the stairs. It scared me so badly that I literally sprinted out the door. Whether I was hallucinating it or not that was the scariest moment of my life and I prefusly apologized afterwords lol.
  • @realkingfitz
    i visited a friend at the queen mary while she was in town after i moved to la. and i always felt like it was incredibly creepy and i felt uneasy the whole time i was there. like i was being intensely watched. i'm finding out just now it's considered one of the most haunted places in america. now it makes sense.
  • I can totally see Joe driving around in a Mystery Machine Van high af going to haunted locations.
  • Joe is the best host, making these kids feel at home and you can tell