How to make friends

Published 2020-05-30
How does one decide if someone is worthy of your friendship? For the human player this can become involuted. Is that one here your friend because he’s got your back? Or this one there because he saves a seat at the lunch table for you? You know someone who will always say yes to playing hopscotch, is this a true friend ?

To a dog the dance of friendship is less to do with “will this guy help me move my couch?” Then ,if I bite you, will you forgive me? Or, if I were to play, and even though you can always win the battle, you keep the scales of victory even. Or , if I’m sad and bored will to jump on me and bite my face until I feel alive again? If I’m angry you can bite me till you feel better.

Notice this dog friend meta as kiwi and chuck make a complicated game simple and life worth living.

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