The Ending You Never Saw In 'My Best Friend's Wedding' | PeopleTV | Entertainment Weekly

Published 2018-05-23
‘My Best Friend’s Wedding’ writer Ron Bass talks about the film's original ending that tested so poorly it changed the film drastically.
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The Ending You Never Saw In 'My Best Friend's Wedding' | PeopleTV | Entertainment Weekly

All Comments (21)
  • @cisio64123
    The final ending worked because she didn't unrealistically find some other random guy at the wedding right after doing the right thing in giving up the man she did love and was deeply attached to. Instead she was realistically hurting at the loss, and in the process of dealing with that pain. The point of the ending was that while she was suffering in the loss of one love she had another love in a dear platonic friend to help pull her out of her misery. Having him there gave her comfort and allowed her to enjoy herself in spite of her pain. It left the viewer with the feeling that she had her dear friends love and comfort to pull her through and eventually she too would move on with someone else. It left us knowing she would eventually be alright.
  • Man, oh, man! The line: "Maybe there won’t be marriage, maybe there won’t be sex, but, by God, there will be dancing!" is a total favorite.
  • @SecondTheScene
    They don't make movies like this anymore but damn I wish they did
  • @dearmakeupdiary
    Not all endings are happy in real life. That’s why I loved this one because it was mainly realistic 💜 you normally end wasted and broken-hearted with a great friend beside you trying to cheer you up. That’s more likely!
  • @bashful365
    So glad they went with the change for the ending! The dance scene at the end with jules and george is PERFECTION:)
  • @holiday07
    This made me cry. I realized you can have an ex-lover or an ex-potential lover but you didn't get your romantic Disneylike fairy tale happy ending with them but you can still be great friends with them and they can still end up as the greatest love of your life.
  • @jzwalz51robin45
    That ending was great! We all face disappointments and heartaches; but we can learn from these experiences and even thrive! THAT is a great message.
  • @CaToRi-
    The way I saw it is that you should never waste your time. She had the chance to be with him for many years, she wasted the opportunities and it is not until she sees him with someone else that she “realizes” that she loves him
  • @crisvanfan
    why would some guy introduce himself as michaels 'best friend"? SHE is michaels best friend!
  • @onemajorhottie
    Truly a beautiful ending. I consider this to be one of my all-time favorite films because of that scene where her true best friend was there to lift her spirits.
  • I was 20 years old when this came out and I remember the ending clinched it for me. I loved the writers for sending the message that maybe everyone's not going to have a fairy tale ending, but you could still live life to the fullest despite that. It remains one of my favorite movies to this day.
  • This movie is perfection. In real life, sometimes you don't get the fairytale "romantic" love, and sometimes we get heartache instead. But love and joy can be found in many places, with not just romantic partners. Life goes on... and a life filled with love shared between precious friends is beautiful and worth celebrating!
  • @leilahe.683
    Rupert Everett is EVERYTHING. 😉😆😆😃😃
  • @chaque9236
    The soundtrack to this movie is a favourite of mine. Great movie. Beautiful memories. And a super gorgeous cast!
  • @tshahish
    I saw this movie when I was really little, didn’t realize he was gay and thought the movie ended with her realizing she loved the wrong friend and they ended up getting together. Watched it years later and was totally blown away ! 😆
  • @christiinejoyce
    I fell in love with George instantly after the ending. He is such a great character and a true best friend. ❤️❤️
  • @SportsBoss999
    Nice insight. Boy, did they nail the ending too! Stroke of genius to use the charm of that character to put the finishing touches on it. Well done!!