Man Who Put Pro-Palestine Students’ Faces on Truck Gets Swatted

A SWAT team busted into a Florida house after a 911 call claimed a man was holding his wife at gunpoint. Turns out, it was a swatting hoax. The homeowner, Adam Guillette, was targeted in an apparent retaliation for his campaign to shame pro-Palestine students at Ivy League schools. Guilette sent vans to Harvard, Columbia and other top colleges with the faces of pro-Palestine student leaders emblazoned on the sides.

コメント (21)
  • @iikhalaii8784
    He doesn't think its dangerous putting protesters information on a truck and driving it around.
  • @niani8359
    Doesn’t it put students at risk to put the faces and names of students out there like that?
  • @Dennyh025
    Is it me or was that the most calmest I've ever seen swat announce themselves at a door before?
  • @Gaara4life
    He seems like the guy who likes to instigate problems, and when people react to it, he's real quick to play the victim card!!!
  • @vicoregano
    Having sympathy for the innocent people, especially the children of Gaza doesn’t mean you hate Jews. Not wanting to support a genocide of a group of people that had nothing to do with the horrible actions of a smaller group of people doesn’t make you anti-Semite. Putting faces of people who have a different opinion from you in order to shame them and cause them harm in their personal and financial life however is a hateful action.
  • Not supporting swatting but calling people anti semites because they don't support how Israel treats Palestinians is total slander and he deserves to be brought to court for defamation
  • why is he showing those students faces what if the students get attacked ??? its clearly a hate crime no matter it was israel or palestine
  • Merely disagreeing with someone DOES NOT make you Anti-semitic. Having your own views on a controversial issue DOES NOT make you anti-semitic. Being "pro" anything is a bit extreme if you ask me. With that being said, people have the right to express their views without the fear of retaliation. Making an enemy image is an act of violence no matter the reason.
  • So he basically put students life in danger by putting their faces on public and when same thing happened to him get angry?
  • @grenadebiter
    Only in the US is anything seen as less than unequivocal and unmitigated support for Israeli policies seen as anti-semitism.
  • @FureyinHD
    Putting kids faces up and calling them anti semites just because they disagree with you. That's pretty gross behaviour. Gotta expect pushback there.
  • You cannot make me believe the police cannot find out where and who made the swatting call. But then again this is a force that doesn't put a congressman who pulls a fire alarm when in a vote session into jail.
  • @yin-sin
    Being pro-Palestine doesn’t make you anti-Semitic. You know what does make you anti-Semitic? Thinking that Israel represents Jewish people and that they’re doing the “right” thing by attacking innocent Palestinians. Many Jewish people aren’t for Israel and there’s a photo/video of a Jewish man holding hands with a Palestinian man stepping on the flag of Israel. He is putting students at risk.
  • @fox7757
    I think he took it upon and made himself a target for purposely using someone’s face and name publicly without their knowledge.
  • This guy should not have been the victim of a swatting hoax, but he also should not have been doxxing random people.
  • A person can have compassion for the normal people in Gaza without being an anti-Semite. I have many Jewish friends. It is the inhumanity on both sides that needs to stop.
  • @Trund27
    That guy is disgusting. It’s not anti-semitism to be critical of the Israeli government! And Hamas can go to hell as well.
  • @meansnowflake
    Funny how he doesn't like it when it happens to him, but thinks college kids deserve it when they don't agree to tow his line. No sympathy from me.