How to seed BARE SPOTS in your LAWN


コメント (21)
  • "Give it the ol' good hand job" 😂 Love the super technical term there haha. Great video though, learned and will be following your steps next week!
    Thanks for the encouragement. Just came in from doing such work outside. Our "Weasel" is 25 years old and actually has a wood handle. I had to dampen the ground to get some action under our Linden Tree. Using "Dense Shade" Grass seed for this shaded area. As I worked, several birds began singing above me so I knew they were waiting to have a meal of grass seed. They taunted me!! We have the same style and size Gray Diamond Block Wall--about same height. I built it in 1992 and last year had to reset half of it as it moved slightly over 30 years and seams opened up!! It was worth the work. It does go dark if in shaded areas and I have power washed the block faces once in a great while, over time. Great stuff after all these years. I think the main blocks weigh +60 pounds. Very versatile and this large stuff is the best I presume.
  • Good video, thanks. Straight to the point, no waffle. That's the secret to good videoing & thanks for the tips too. I obviously wasn't watering it enough. I will try 3 times a day now, for 14 days.
  • Great video, thank you for not making people over think it, on day 5 and im hopeful my patchy lawn will start to look much more green and presentable within the coming weeks! Cheers
  • Thanks for the lesson. I’m trying this and look forward to the results!
  • Thank you for the video. I have decided to take on the beautification of our lawn this year and have found my go-to resource. Love the "bullet point approach... personable and to the point. Will be back!
  • I’ve got a few bare spots and need to do this soon before the summer heat kicks in. This is a solid method that I’ve used many times and have gotten consistent results every single time! Great video!!
  • Best vid on seeding that I've found on here, and I spent an hour looking. One kook was even laying on the dirt with a Go-Pro yelping about soil quality. Thanks much and giving this a try today.
  • @bigc4215
    It all seems so obvious after its explained. Great video!
  • I'm an absolute beginner when it comes to growing a lawn from seed so I've actually followed the steps here on a few bald spots on my lawn and I'm in about 8 days now and gotta say I'm pretty excited to see the grass shoots sprouting up. I've tried this two times previously before actually finding this video and this is the first time I've gotten any results at all. I'm very happy and hoping the lawn comes in full on the patch I experimented on. That cultivator is absolutely key.. The growth still looks uneven which has me a little worried but at least I'm seeing results.. Thanks so much for the video and tips.. Subscribed...
  • Excellent. One point you missed - the surrounding turf will need cutting in the interim. Aim the discharge of the mower AWAY from the seed bed. The seed bed must be totally undisturbed until full germination has occurred, which with your technique should render about 90% germination. Well done!
  • great video and guidance. Got my soil cultivator today at Lowes. Thanks again!
  • Hi, England here. This was a straight forward easy to follow video. I liked the presentation very much. Great job. 👍👽
  • The Garden Weasel! Yes! Trusted seeding tool for years.
  • Great advice. I noticed the main thing is if the soil isn't loose you're screwed. Peat moss is a great idea. And yep, keep the water going but I noticed if we are going to have a weeks worth of rain then I hurry and put seed down since the rain water makes it sprout so much faster than crappy city chlorine water.
  • Probably the first time I’m early to a lawn vid lol. All the ones I’ve seen came out a while ago. Great vid btw!
  • I never knew i needed 'the lawn whisperer*' 😂 in my life (stupid plough king) then i started taking care of a driving range here in Dublin. Great stuff, subscribed 🤙 im
  • Excellent video! No screaming, shouting or any overblown hype. It’s just the facts! Thank you
  • @carter_1
    This is EXACTLY what I needed to know! I don't have very much peat moss handy but will improvise somehow!