Iodine: The Life Changing Supplement | Part 2

Published 2019-05-31
I've been taking iodine for TWO YEARS and this is what happened! There is an iodine-deficiency crisis in our current day and age, and in this video I explain why & how supplementing Lugols Solution cleared up my acne, took away my painful periods and balanced my hormones. I hope it changes your life as it did mine!




13:31- Iodine dosages

14:05 - Cofactors to take with iodine

16:30 - Symptoms that were alleviated with iodine

18:00 - Thyroid Disorders ( Hypo & Hyper ) and Hashimotos

J. Crows Iodine (2% and 5% Lugols Solution):

Iodoral tablets:



The Iodine Crisis by Lynne Farrow (book):


This content is strictly the opinion of Shelby Naturals and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Shelby Naturals nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

All Comments (21)
  • @JC-up3dj
    I had started taking iodine for breast cysts, and ended up no longer needing glasses.
  • I had infertility issues and my fertility doctor recommended an iodine flush of my fallopian tubes to make sure there wasn't a blockage. The result is that they did not find a blockage however something happened to my body once the iodine was put directly into my body like that and I became fertile. 😳 I was able to have 3 healthy pregnancies afterwards. My sister-in-law had the same procedure and also was able to get pregnant afterwards.
  • @toejammin77
    She talks about her skin being clear. This is the way this works.....Iodine is absorbed into the thyroid and therefore becomes a blocker of all the other toxins that come into our bodies through the food, water, and air. The thyroid is the gateway to the organs in your body. Many of the toxins that we are subjected to through environmental forces enter into our bodies through the thyroid. The skin, being the largest organ in/on the body is affected by these toxins. If the thyroid is filled with iodine, the other toxins are blocked from coming in. I am 66 years old now and my ski n has never looked better. No age spots, moles, or any other "ugly" spots. So often do I get comments that I am the youngest looking "old man" people have ever met.
  • What most don't understand is that imaging procedures such as CT scans, mammograms, PET scans, etc. have very high amounts of radiation that is downplayed but eventually causes cancer. The radiation induces cancer by disrupting the molecules and electrons in your cells. The radiation is strong enough to cause double strand damage and thus a gene mutation which eventually leads to cancer 6-7 years after exposure. Then when an allopathic medicine doctors sees you have cancer from an ultrasound or CT scan, they will tell you they need to do a biopsy. Yet, if they puncture the extracellular matrix where the cancer is encaged in, this will actually help the cancer. There are various scholarly articles that show this is the case. Cancer can migrate to areas of inflammation including a biopsy when the cancer can track across the needle. Now here's my favorite part, after they help your cancer spread, a doctor will tell you your choices are either chemo or radiation. Both Chemo and radiation do not distinguish between healthy and cancer cells. It kills all cells. So you're essentially killing all of your cells hoping that you survive and it kills the cancer. This oftentimes causes rebound cancers from the other healthy cells that have been affected if you even survive the treatment and are left with permanent side effects. When they actually give you chemo and radiation, they hope that one of your repair genes, such as BRCA1, BRCA2 and/or PARP activate and repair the damage to the rest of your immune system, yet there are millions of cells in your body and it's unavoidable to have some misrepaired cells, thus causing rebound cancers later on and making you a return customer in the system.
  • @turkeeg7644
    Iodine was a game changer. Started with 12 mg....felt time detox symptoms. Reduced and slowly built up. Now take 25 to 50 mg a day. Had all the symptoms of deficiency. When I was a kid had to rinse my mouth with concentrated flouride. Crazy.Good for our teeth they said. Still got cavities.then filled my teeth with Mercury fillings. Total quackery. I struggled with this my whole life. Feel much better. Try to tell people.Some get it some don't. I have had good results from Lugols with selenium. We are filled with toxic halides that are bodies don't want. They give us those and tell us the one we need is bad. The only person who has your best interest is yourself as you will have to deal with the consequences. The Doctor won't. Nice video. Thanks
  • @aliciaclark1916
    A Natropath in my community recommended that I start taking Lugol’s. I was hesitant as well. I can’t tell you how just one drop in 4 ounces of distilled water impacted me even on the first day. My brain fog and depression were immediately gone. I had been suffering from a lot of issues for two years. I couldn’t believe how I felt super energetic and could think and speak quickly, and seem to have my old self back. I started to get a little scared when I watched a video about how high iodine can cause Hashimoto’s. I already have hypothyroidism. So I stopped taking it and pain in my neck and hips and low back returned, that was another issue I had been having that the Lugols one drop took away. So I reduced the quantity to 1 teaspoon of the diluted solution a day while I do more research. Even that small of an amount took away my pain and helped me. I am convinced that there is a lot to this iodine thing. I am thankful for everything on this video and will continue to do more research. I plan to slowly increase the amount I am taking. But am super excited that the Lord has brought me this information. 🤗
  • @ericbotelho73
    Been taking iodine for 10 years with no problems. The one compliment I get consistently from people I rarely see is that I haven’t aged for being 43 years old. I’m not the healthiest eater that’s for sure so who knows it might be the iodine
  • @jazzmoon77
    In Australia, bromide has been banned in bread and it's mandatory to use iodised salt in breadmaking. Also, any kinds of cysts anywhere in the body are usually a sign of low iodine.
  • @denisimari
    Tbh I was taking 150mcg iodine pill a day for 6 months but didn’t feel any difference, switched straight to 15% lugols iodine liquid per day and oh my God, fatigue gone just after two days, energy like crazy, sleeping better , no pms symptoms, had bladder issues , that got fixed in a week ,I feel like a new person even though never had huge pms symptoms or health issues, but this has definitely improved my life even more! Holy Iodine!
  • @52msdiane
    Great video Shelby! When I was in my early 20’s I had horrible cystic acne in my face! Drs put me on numerous antibiotics for YEARS! Paying the price for that now I’m studying functional health to learn the TRUTH! Gosh bless you Shelby! Subbed today! ✅😉❤️
  • Great video lots of knowledge. Your passion for health is strong. Your skin is amazing.
  • Thanks so much hoping this is the magic bullet for my daughter,so much appreciated!
  • @toejammin77
    I've been taking Nascent Iodine (X2 Survival Sheild) for almost 10 years now and I am in peak health. 65 yr. old male. On absolutely no meds, no high blood pressure issues, not overweight, skin like a baby ( no age spots or things like that) stronger and younger looking than anybody I know even close to my age.
  • @reyrey6295
    I started using Iodine one month ago. First few days of bromine detox were hell! I mean HELL! Pain in the head, vomiting sensations, hot flashes, i was tired and dizzy. Terrible... But I did not gave up and I raised my dose on 4 drops of 5%.. Now I don't feel bad when I take it.. And I already have bennefits - my UTI is gone, I feel mental clarity, I have much better bowel movement and less gas. Also my skin looks so much better. I give it to my god also because she have autoimune disease and she is much better. I can't believe I did not know this sooner :( I am so so so happy!
  • @lisagrace6471
    Thank you for sharing your experience- I have been researching it, and while I have read many great things about it, it is so much more helpful to hear from someone who has been on it for 2 years and your positive experience with it and dosing etc. Thank you for sharing! I hope you continue to stay well!
  • @kyliefan7
    Awesome Shelby!!! New subscriber here! I’ve been taking Iodine lately and can’t believe how we’ve done this so many times in the past with medicine!! Need to re-watch this later and take notes for sure!!
  • @theyirum5501
    Thank you so much for your love. Thank you for being a so valuable person in this world.
  • @amreens9987
    Thank you for putting this out there. Very informative.