Hope in the Face of Grief and Loss (feat. Kendra Tierney)

Published 2024-05-16
Grief and loss are a part of nearly everyone's life. We may experience deep suffering, like wanting to be married but not finding a spouse. Or losing a spouse to an early death. Maybe you've experienced the loss of a child, a miscarriage, or the struggle with infertility.

It can feel frustrating when others respond, "Well, God has a plan." Indeed, he does have a plan, but where does this suffering fit into that plan?

Today, Kendra Tierney, a mother of 10 and a recent widow, shares her own honest experience of navigating loss and grieving the life that she now doesn't have after the loss of her husband.

Kendra is a "mother of many" living outside Los Angeles, CA. She started Catholic All Year to share the practice of celebrating the liturgical year in the home and getting to know the saints and seasons of the Church calendar through food, prayer, and conversation.

If you’d like her guide to liturgical living, it’s available in book form in The Catholic All Year Compendium: Liturgical Living for Real Life and The Catholic All Year Prayer Companion: The Liturgical Year in Practice, both of which you can find at www.CatholicAllYear.com/

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All Comments (21)
  • My 16 year old son passed away May 7, 2022. Two weeks later ( May 22, 2022), my 14 year old son was in a tragic car accident that left 4 dead. He survived but suffered major life altering injuries. Since then, I have dedicated all of my free time to the Lord, but every single day is a struggle. I'm trying so hard to praise God and give him all of my moments, but I feel so abandoned by Him at times and it makes me fall into despair. I would appreciate your prayers. Jesus, I Trust In You.
  • @Dianadicarta
    my biggest dream, since I was a child, is to have a family of my own. I’m almost 31 and are still single. Every year it gets harder and it is weird because there’s deep hurt and deep grief but about something that I have never had and maybe never will, but the only comfort I get is from God and from my family. I can’t imagine going through any kind of spiritual pain without believing in God and without believing in a God who loves us so much that He gave His life for us
  • @madams.5976
    Please pray for my husband John who has been in hospital since April 21. He’s going in for a Pet-CT scan and I’m praying for a miracle that he’s ok, Lord please hear my prayer and 🙏 for all those with special intentions.
  • @allisonclow6915
    Thank you for this video. My husband of almost 24 years passed away in February from 14 month battle with pancreatic cancer. We have 5 children. He was my best friend. He was a deep man of faith and believed in the power of redemptive suffering . He suffered so well. We miss him terribly and now I am trying to figure out life now without him. I am so grateful for my beautiful children, family and community. I am in a place where I don't know what God is doing and my trust is being tested but like St. Peter said, there is no where else to go. Please pray for me as we all navigate this new chapter and to remain in hope!
  • This has come at an interesting time. I am in constant battle with heartbreak, depression, sorrow, pain, disappointment, loneliness, grief, isolation, despair, and just an endless list of, well, mistakes that I caused. One of the biggest sins I engaged in, was participating in hook up culture- and contracting an incurable STD. Btw, this std was contracted after I had only been intimate with 2 people in my entire life. So, one can imagine how unjust it feels to go from virgin to being seen as vermin amongst the conservatives and by men at large. I take full accountability for this sin, mind you. Still, as much as I try to hope, not despair or feel destroyed- a former me has passed- eternally. The depths of my sorrow are unspeakable... So I can relate to knowing what it feels like to lose a "future that you dreamed about". When I was a little girl, I was the biggest romantic I knew. I always dreamed about marriage and what that would look like, and NEVER imagined going from virgin to STD just after two people. I don't have it as difficult as some people, but sometimes I want to scream at God... Which is irrational, because it was my fault. Anyways, misery is real. I don't know where I was going with this. I guess only to say that somedays it feels difficult to look forward to anything, when you feel like everything you ever wanted has been destroyed and taken from you. I guess it really is a testament to the strength and love of God that I am still here.
  • @JordanSeibert
    I’m not sure if this comment will find Kendra, but her story is one that hits close to home. My wife has stage four cancer and has battled for many years. We also have a nine-year- old. Everything that Kendra says pierces my heart like an arrow. 😢🙏
  • My first wife passed away at 41. I really struggled mentally being a single dad. My second wife died at 39 and it was bearable. My father died at age 81; my mom has Alzheimers. I became recluse for a short time but my circle of friends got me past that rather quickly. September 28, 2022, I lost my home and belongings cars and all to a huricane. It was well with me because God shortly before showed me my possessions were possessing me. I had no problem walking away and my circle of friends helped me also. God told me buy a black shirt your son 38 will surely die. April 2,2023 he was mistakenly killed by police brutality shot to death. I am fine and working through getting justice for him and his three young children who have a drug addict for a mother. Please pray for the best for the children that they not end up in foster care. We all react to death different even in different deaths and losses. King David sat in sackcloth at his young son's death but went insane grieving over Absalom. Griefology is an interesting study.
  • @mcsmama
    @6:09 quote from St. Padre Pio (maybe!): "Blessed is the crisis that made you grow, the fall that made you gaze up to Heaven, the problem that made you look for God." Thank you, Kendra, & God bless you! 😇... this entire message was something I needed to hear today. It used to be a habit for me to share these kinds of videos with others by first saying, "I happened to come across this video on YouTube", but I KNOW I don't just "come across" these messages I need. Instead, God, in His wisdom, through His Holy Spirit, enables me to have these videos/messages placed before me when I need to hear them, & I can receive them, as long as I remain open to the gift that is being offered to me. As a single woman at an age where everyone else is retiring, who always longed for a family of my own, but who never met a man I felt could mutually join with me in entering a God-centered marriage-is-for-life commitment, I have often struggled with WHY God apparently intended that my home-life would remain solitary. I have always been what I have come to think of as "pathologically empathetic", in that I hurt deeply & prolongedly for the suffering of others, but I volunteer where I am able, & try to be supportive, both practically & spiritually, of others who struggle in their lives as well. Sometimes simply SEEING someone who too often feels invisible, perhaps by offering a "hello & God bless" with a smile, while looking them in the eyes, can be a huge blessing that buoys someone up & helps them hang on for that moment, & turn their attention back to The Lord. Invisibility is a terrible scourge for many in this life. 😢Living a solitary life makes that realization palpable, & so can be a blessing when it opens our eyes & hearts to the need of others to be seen... to stop feeling invisible, even for a moment. With so many friends & family members who have families where children have died, been stricken with horrific afflictions, or who have fallen away from relationship with Our Lord, I sometimes wonder if God was sparing me from the profound anguish of a child who might have suffered something so terrible, that my struggles for that child might have torn me away from my own relationship with God forever. It may have been, that I would have been too weak to hold onto Him, in the face of having to witness my beloved child suffer in such devastating manner. In any case, while I still often struggle with my lack of the family I had always hoped to have, I have gotten better at trusting that, regardless of the fact that what I would have chosen for myself was not to be, GOD KNEW the plan He had for me, & HE knows the WHY. In addition, HE DOES know what He's doing! TRUST in Him is something with which, like most others, I have long struggled, & it is something that is grown by hanging onto Him, especially through adversity, & KNOWING that He is good... He is ALL good, & He is ONLY good. Lord, thank you for your patient loving indulgence of my recurrent pitiful human failings... thank you for your relentless pursuit of me... thank you for every day you give me with another opportunity to "get it right" ... please Lord, help my unbelief, in Jesus' Name I pray.🐑✝🔥😇 ["Hope in the Face of Grief and Loss" (feat. Kendra Tierney) via Ascension Presents] [5.17.
  • We lost our 3 month old daughter Oct 2023. In the months that have followed I can 100% say that I agree with you Kendra. Where else would we go. Lord have Mercy, prayers for your Family.
  • @laurenk1853
    Hearing about your engagement the other day made me so happy. You and your family have been through so much. God can bring beauty from the ashes 🙏🏻
  • Please pray for my sister, Emily. For a transformed heart in her fight against Cancer. For healing, perseverance, comfort and patience. May the Holy Spirit enter her heart and help her to be the peace needed in her home.
  • Terribly sorry for your loss. I pray God will give you what you need for the next stage of your life. I searched diligently for a good Catholic wife and now at age 54 feel very much abandoned by the Catholic Church that I was raised in. One of my protestant friends who is happily married with 5 children called-me-out today and told me that if I have any plans of finding a Christian wife, I need to start looking outside the Catholic Church. Please pray for me as I begin this next stage of my life.
  • @patham1968
    Please pray for me and my family. My father passed away two years ago, it has been a struggle for mom and for us too because not only we miss dad, but carrying for mom emotionally and keeping her spirits balanced been hard. She had a Tripple by pass heart surgery last year and than had hip surgery and praise God he has given me the energy to take her to physical therapy twice a week, and I still work my fourth hours and take care of my own family. My daughter has thyroid health issues and heart palpitations and we still trying to find right doctor to help her, she only 26. My son has sleep apnea and other health concerns and because they are older they tell me only what they want to tell me because not want me to worry. I think I'm having digestive issues and I am tired too but keep asking God to give me health strength patience and energy to keep working, I need help support everyone. My husband pays for everything in the house hold so he helps so much. But I pray for him alot because he also has gone through his trials of health in the past and he has a lot on his plate too. Thank you for this video. We will pray for you too
  • @mytwocents7303
    ❤Thank you for your witness of faith and life in Christ. Pray for us without good marriages.
  • I am southern Baptist. I totally understand where you are coming from sister. I pray the Lord Jesus Christ give you comfort and peace. I've been wrestling with something similar for several years. Not what I thought would happen. But I am fully confident that God is for me. Thank you for sharing and what you said about your Job struggle. I have researched that book repeatedly. I too concluded that God didn't do the evil to Job but allowed it. Job was never privy to the conversation between God and the devil. There definitely was a reason, a cause. In Jobs case it was for good. I'm still trying to sort out what good came from my struggle. Thank you again and again I pray the Lord Jesus Christ bless and keep you and your family in Jesus Christ name amen
  • @kmbehrens14
    Thank you for this reflection. I’ve been struggling to be joyful for years as I continue to hope for marriage. I sometimes feel weighed down by sorrow, and it’s often difficult to trust God when it feels like He has forgotten me or is withholding what everyone else seems to have. It always encourages me to know I am not alone in that feeling.
  • @Charlielizard
    I cannot say thank you enough for this video. My life has been turned upside down and I am living 330 miles from home and friends. Found a beautiful church where I find peace; however, the loss of going from married to alone practically overnight has shaken me. Your words spoke to me very clearly. Thank you and may God continue to Bless us with your presence. I'll keep you in my prayers. 🙏🏻✝️
  • @branatons
    You have a very beautiful life, both past and present. Much respect and admiration.
  • @elizanagrey9576
    This is very inspiring. It is a good thing for our suffering to draw us closer to God.