Maharishikaa | Twin Flame, Same Soul, Surrender, Brilliant Exposé

Published 2023-12-09
Is there a deeper purpose in Twin Flame Same Soul connections?
How does one overcome the immense suffering that the yearning for one’s twin flame entails?

Amina, a long-time practitioner of life-denying spirituality, opens up to life after meeting the Maharishikaa. She wants to start a family, but finds herself trapped in a dilemma. Having found the way to herself, two potential partners have entered the picture. One is her twin flame whom she had been yearning for day in day out for four years, and the other one is a ‘normal’ partner. Which partner to choose?

In this brilliant exposé, Maharishikaa explains the phenomenon of same soul twin flame connections and guides Amina on her path forward, detailing the importance of surrender and common sense in overcoming the immense suffering related to this particular type of connection.
Is starting a relationship with a twin flame a wise choice? Can these relationships work out at all?

#Maharishikaa #TwinFlame #Surrender

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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All Comments (21)
  • @avanisagar6408
    The ultimate lesson in life: Never chase anything...if it's meant to be, it will be effortless. Peace.
  • @podoyle
    "That person doesn't affect you. That person is not affecting you. It is you who are affecting you."
  • @indiablue2961
    Yes. So true. It taught me what love is at first. Then after a few years, the relentless triggering began - no aspect of our relationship was immune. It eroded me more and more and finally, it DESTROYED me when he left. A true dark night of the soul. It took several years to heal and understand and surrender. What I understood was that that it was all ‘for me’. The negative stories and labels were all illusions - to release and to understand it was all a mirror of my soul’s yearning for itself and for Source - with which it is one. I had to release separation, longing, needing, emptiness. I had to find wholeness in myself and a knowing that am born worthy. I am one with God.
  • Twin flames are here to break paradigms. Its a very hard journey back to self. Total unconditional love for self with no expectations from the other body who is the negative polariity of your soul. Its your own energy youre addicted to, not the body. Romantic love it is not. Romantic love is 3d concept. Real love is source energy. Its your spiritual awakening first and foremost and theyre just a bonus when you have aligned more with soul. The grief and yearning in the beginning is unbelievably hard until you release it all and it can take years
  • @karin-ve
    No romanticizing twin flame relationships. Instead crystal clear explanations with lots of warmth and strength!
  • @graspingthewind
    I love that when Maharishikaa says " It's only when you go to your soul, that your soul will be with you, Because its the same soul" - I paused it right then and it was 11:11 - Brilliant! So beautiful to hear this all from such an awakened human. You only understand the complexity of emotion of a twin flame journey, if you, yourself, have been through this awakening experience!! It's so difficult to read advice from those that no nothing about this specific energetic "phenomenon" as Maharishikaa puts it, how could they?
  • @myk11
    That is amazing...same experience ....and crazy ..No body will understand what hapoens unless they are twin is a very very difficult journey is only for the strong !!! Thank you❤
  • This is my experience. There is this irresistibly intense attraction to this other person that even you can’t understand or make sense of. You can’t help but be drawn to them but you are asked to stay in surrender. This is a real test until you come into full realisation of this phenomenon and release all ego control. Thank you for this information. It is extremely helpful 🙏🥰💚
  • @aishadenisea4281
    Listening to her, I suddenly had an internal realization that I am in total gratitude that my twin flame is my twin flame. ❤❤
  • 14.35. “ If you attach emotions to them, they’ll go, if you pull back to your source, they’re back”! The key to the whole journey. Thank you
  • @mgn1621
    I relate it to the longing for oneness; our longing to be in the state of connection with source.
  • My twin is Indian and I had my awakening when we met we went through seperation and I learnt to surrender and trust my process now we live together but still not intimate or in a relationship but we somehow jst know we have to be together we push each other everyday to become better versions of ourselves and we support each other so much but it’s the most difficult thing I’ve ever been through ❤
  • This is truth. The clearest understanding of the "twin flame" relationship I have heard.
  • @soulful655
    I am in the TWIN FLAME journey.experienced death pains and loses,intensity but its a journey of discovery of myself.still he is my part.happy now in my life.he is in me.surrender is a solution of this journey.
  • @Xenia-E-Zilli
    Do we need our TF to challenge us in order to surrender ? I was the chaser and then I became the runner as I could not stand the pain of the challenges put in front of me. It is exactly when I became emotional that he started to pull away. And because he started to pull away - I left him. So, did I hinder my progress by leaving ? I feel that I am ready to face the challenges now, but he ignores my attempts to re-connect. However, at any given moment I am so grateful for what this experience gave me. The awakening, the insights, the knowing myself, the knowing my unhealed traumas ..... all of it. It also awakened many dormant talents as well. I feel blessed in that way beyond being able to put it through words. And of course - unconditional love. In a way too, it showed me that I do not have any borders. That I am just everywhere. Ys, limited by body, but also not. Thankful for all of that.
  • @ezgi8256
    "'s about your spiritual journey to self... you have to sit in the quiet of the soul'
  • @shanon1111
    So refreshing to see such a self realised compassionate understanding on this topic. Been on this journey for decades and it's true that this is a phenomenon to reunite you to Source.
  • Never chase anybody, if you chase they will run away. If god has created something for you then it will automatically come to you like a magnet.
  • @filipe8534
    OMG THIS VIDEO WITH THIS DIVA SIMPLY POP UP WITH HER DESCRIBING EVERYTHING I'M GOING THROUGH. Such a wise woman, I'm obsessed. Everything makes sense now, we have to surrender to "source", to our own soul. Excellent video, I can't thank you enough 🙏🏻❤️