ml.markov Tutorial (Part 1) – Machine Learning in Max/MSP

Published 2019-05-05
Markov Chains are a powerful Machine Learning technique, and with the latest update, Benjamin Smith's library for Max/MSP includes an ml.markov object for easy implementation. In this first tutorial, we work through the help file, understanding how and why the object works, then expand on it and use some more complex MIDI files to generate interesting musical output. Make sure to subscribe to catch part two!

Head to my website to download this and many more patches!

Cycling74's latest article on –…

Markov Chains visualised by Victor Powell and Lewis Lehe –

Satie's Gymnopedie No.1 MIDI file –

Various Debussy MIDI files –

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All Comments (21)
  • @Spearced
    New drinking game: take a shot every time I say 'interesting' or 'cool'.
  • This is awesome. Thank you for this tutorial. I am so excited to play around with this!
  • @TCGen-Inc
    Well done! Excellent tutorial - combines markov chains, ml, and music in a very effective tutorial. It is not easy to put these youtube videos together. Thank you for the contribution.
  • @netherwaves
    what a great tutorial, thank you so much. can't wait to put all this into practice!
  • @adeepwell5292
    Excellent tutorial, I am excited for the future of how AI will influence how composers work. It seems from this tutorial that creating a pastiche is well within the realms of computers and our understanding of styles in quantitative terms is interesting
  • @elduc8520
    Thanks! I also like to use the [drunk] object to reduce the windowing of possibilities.
  • @ShihWeiChieh
    thanks for the terrific video!! sweeet velocity and chords specially. Do you think is it possible to apply ml.markov for texts and get meaningful result?
  • @MatheusLeston
    amazing stuff! really curious to see how you deal with timing as well
  • @williamtai7067
    Amazing! waiting for more tutorials! In the meantime, I'm new to Max, just wondering how you setup the midi in Max play through the kontakt library. Thank you!
  • @onnyglare
    Marvelous! Absolutely MUSIC! Some of the best I have heard. Might I suggest that you play the music and show the working patch at the beginning? Personally, I am then much more motivated to study the building of the patch. The journey is much more fun when I know where I am going. Are you familiar with the work of David Cope?