Dr. Valter Longo - Fasting Cycles Retard Growth of Tumors

Published 2012-02-08
People affected by pathologies should not do the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD), unless they have the prior approval of their specialized doctor. In the case of serious or relatively serious illnesses (cancer, diabetes, or cardiovascular, autoimmune, or neurodegenerative diseases), it is important to seek permission and approval from a disease specialist as well as from a dietitian with expertise in the FMD or in therapeutic fasting. The use of the FMD for disease treatment should for the moment be limited to clinical trials unless the doctor determines that there are no viable options and the patient cannot wait until the conclusion of appropriate clinical trials and FDA (US Food and Drug Administration), and similar agencies in other countries, approval.

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All Comments (21)
  • Stage 3 I fasted for 5 days every 2 weeks only 3x, no chemo no radiation, full remission it’s 6 years now.
  • Please pray for me🙏✝️📖🕊️. I’m trying to beat this cancer/disease I have.
  • @XxXcyclonaXxX
    I did Dr. Longo's fast with my second rounds of full strength chemo. My blood work was almost normal after the second round. I went right back to work and the cancer is long gone. It has been 1.5 years.
  • @Inafadal
    I do dry fasting every other day including Ramadan so I do dry fasting 6 months of 6 months yearly it’s healthy good I recommend every one do it dry fasting
  • I have been fasting for 7 days, every 3 weeks for the past 10 months. 5 days before chemo, day of chemo and 24 hours after. When not fasting, I eat low carb foods. It has helped immensely with the chemo side effects, I have had zero issues with side effects from chemo. I am still on targeted chemo and still do my every 3 week fast. I drink only water and black coffee. So far so good. I have a few issues the Drs. are watching like cysts and lesions on my liver, adrenal, and lungs, but none are growing and the Pet scans have been negative, as well as the cancer marker blood tests. I feel great. I plan to continue my fasting for 7 days every 3 weeks, even after my chemo is completed in June. I lose about 10 lbs each time, but gain it back within 1-2 weeks. I am tempted to stop, but I feel the fasting is keeping my cancer at bay, my Drs. believe the lesions are nothing because they are not growing. I am not willing to stop the fasting to find out if they will begin to grow or become active if I eat a normal diet.
  • @QSing999
    On another video, Dr. Longo recommends a fasting protocol of 5 consecutive days per month, every month. On the eating days using intermittent fasting 18 hours fast, 6 hours eating window. While writing this I just had a thought about the before and after positions: Before based on the standard diet the fasting window is 8 hours, 16 hours eating and that is every day. This amounts to 5,840 eating hours per year or 408,800 hours per lifetime. After based on the new fasting protocol the fasting window is 18 hours, 6 hours eating and that is every day. This amounts to 2,190 eating hours per year or 153,300 hours per lifetime. Meaning the body get a surplus amount of repair and cleaning time of 3,650 per year or 255,500 hours per lifetime. This, of course, will have amazing positive results on the body and mind of the people able to do this in conjunction with a clean diet, who exercise and get adequate sleep.
  • I had biochemical recurrent prostate cancer and was scheduled to start radiation therapy. I did a 5-day Prolon fast and my PSA numbers went back down to undetectable. Dr. Longo is for real. Also, if your are a cancer patient and looking for something other than toxic radiation and/or chemotherapy research metabolic approaches to cancer treatment and Dr. Thomas Seyfried out of Boston College.
  • I have always intermittent fasted only eating when i am hungry. Since my July 13 Diagnosis of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, I have upped my fasting and focus on eat foods that are lower in estrogen or inhibit the production of estrogen while regulating the foods rich in estrogen so I do not become unbalanced in the other direction. I have cut back on all meats and dairy and eat mainly veggies/fruits. So far I have lost 26.2 lbs (estrogen is stored in excess body fat), my tumors have already shrunk in less than a month -I feel fantastic and I get to grow my own medicine/food in my greenhouse and garden. I firmly believe in the power of fasting.
  • @terrifictomm
    The early 20th century novelist and muckraker, Upton Sinclair, wrote the book, "The Fasting Cure" and predicted within 20 years all doctors of good will, who cared most about their patients than making money off of them, would be singing the praises of fasting. That was in the 1911!! He was wrong. Or he was right but there are just fewer doctors of good will than he thought there were. Not enough to make a difference.
  • My wife fasted for 48 hours prior to her first round of chemotherapy after researching Dr Longo's work. I was nervous how she would respond to the chemo, like anyone is when sailing unchartered waters. Her response? Practically zero side effects. I was astonished. In fact, I was so astonished I was paranoid the chemo may not have been working as it should. Even after just 1 round, her headaches (she has large brain mets from lung cancer) have gone away, and the oncologist at our recent appointment was surprised and excited at the initial response. I believe fasting puts cancer cells in a vulnerable state giving the chemo a chance to melt it away. They need to, given the size of the brain mets. We still have a way to go, but its key research like this that gives us a fighting chance. Thank you to Dr Longo and his team.
  • @LuIsSaNcHeZ510
    Fasting puts you in a state of ketosis and your blood glucose drops. Not all types of cancer cells, but most, can only survive on large amounts of glucose. There’s a ton of anecdotal evidence of high fat carnivore helping people reverse their cancer diagnosis. Hopefully we get some studies soon.
  • @yerahmlee730
    I do a 72 hr fast once a week, everyone thinks I’m crazy
  • This video clip needs to be sent to every oncology clinic ASAP. Some lives could be saved by appropriate use of this protocol under Dr supervision.
  • @ginachristidis
    Have been fasting since his paper review on 3 days fasting since 2015
  • @Leondra72
    I am having my first reoccurrence after 5 years of stage 3 low grade serous ovarian cancer the symptoms came very aggressive this time around. I am going to try this to support my chemotherapy treatment as the cancer has metastasised.
  • @jesuspeed
    This Book of the Law (The Bible) shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. (Joshua 1:8
  • @sa7828
    This video is very encouraging for me. I wish I had considered this six years ago. Thank you for posting.