Risky swift water rescue caught on camera

Published 2017-02-09
Raw video: Emergency responders save 76-year-old man who's truck was stuck in fast-moving floodwaters in Miramonte, California

All Comments (21)
  • As a swift water rescuer my self. Unfortunately, I have to criticize a few points. first, why were there cops with no gear so close to the water? If one of them slipped, the Heavy Bulletproof Vest would be life-threatening. second, why did the rescuer let go of the patient? As you can see, the patient was under water for a short time, which could have easily been avoided if he had held him and let both be pulled back simulatios. In addition, the position with the rescuer below the patient was extremely dangerous when he released him due to the risk of the lines becoming tangled. In addition, a rescue through the window would be preferable in such a case. Ps. excuse my bad English. I come from Germany and English is not my mother tongue.
  • @johnhance5727
    As a swift water rescue instructor I have a few improvement suggestions. First of all, were upstream and downstream safeties deployed? Subject should have been removed through the window after a PFD and helmet was secured on the subject by the rescuer. Should the vehicle release, an open door could trap rescuer or subject. Once subject is out of vehicle, rescuer should lay on his back with his feet pointed downstream, holding the subject face up on top of him and have the rope team pull both to shore simultaneously. A subject should never be out of a rescuers grasp.
  • @AdmiralofU2
    In Australia, we have an agency known as the SES who handle situations like this.
  • @vinodpal1237
    Raisen jile mein pahunch gaye sar Nadi ka Kitna Pani hai
  • @jamferjones2462
    Isn't there a law for driving your truck in the river? Probably not.
  • @maintaman8142
    Duo tulun moi kada songulun moguhod nopo lo tulun modosi otumbuk ma kolondod.
  • @sethb9545
    Someone that old should have known better than to drive threw water of any kind learn anything grandpa ????
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