Blade and Sorcery Update 8 Gameplay - The Sorcery Update

Published 2020-06-04
Blade and Sorcery Update 8 Gameplay - The Sorcery Update

Huge update came out today. Full list of additions, bug fixes, and changes:


- New spells: Fire and Gravity
- New map: Citadel
- New characters design
- Added armors support to NPC
- Added hit material detection on characters, allowing different behavior and protection for flesh/clothes, leather, chainmail and plate
- Replaced models and textures of bow, quiver, arrows and large shield
- Added magic staves
- Lightning spell rework for consistency with other spells, improved vfx and audio
- Added the possibility to select a spell and imbue the closest blade while holding a weapon (enabled for bow and wrist blade)
- Wrist stats and spell menu overhaul
- NPC are now able to throw fireballs and use gravity to push their opponents
- New cast and throw animation for NPC
- Spell merging and staff shockwave only work with Gravity (other spells will come later)
- Added the possibility to deflect a fireball with some weapons
- Spells sound effects overhaul
- GPU painted blood decals on bodies
- Player fall damage (can be disabled from the debug menu)
- Added motion blur option to spectator mode
- Game can now run without any headset (spectator mode only)
- Added new console commands: "SpawnCreature", "SpawnCreatureTable", "GetCreatureTable", "SetPlayerFaction", "ToggleBookMenu" and "SetTimeScale" (type "help" in the console for more details)
- Added 4K screenshot support to spectator mode
- Updated Unity to 2019.3.14f (LWRP is now URP)


- Physic materials and collision system overhaul
- New effect system for sounds, VFX, particles, decals and painting, improved performance
- New slow motion sound effects
- Lightning bolts performance enhancements
- Added more physic props to environments
- Improved Market map
- Changed stereo rendering mode from single pass to single pass instanced (better performance)
- Added damage relative to penetration depth
- Added penetration using pressure
- Improved hit detection
- Improved accuracy of penetration position
- Flesh is now easier to penetrate with a blade
- Improved item throwing flying rotation
- Improved player body hips position
- Added Early Access text to spectator mode
- Reworked knockout logic
- Increased player view distance
- Misc performance optimizations

- Fixed collision detection inconstancies
- Fixed light probes not working correctly
- Fixed lights flickering in some situations
- Fixed bow not shooting arrows in a straight line
- Fixed arrow rotation when nocked
- Fixed spectator camera not changing from first person view to third person
- Fixed spectator click after loading a level
- Opening console lock keyboard spectator commands


- Due to heavy internal changes for this update, mods will be broken. If you want to continue to play your U7 mods while waiting the mods to be updated for U8, it's possible to go back to U7 using the beta tab on Steam
- Renamed the namespace from "BS" to our framework/engine name: "ThunderRoad". Asset bundles will need to be exported with the new SDK and JSON will need an update of the namespace (asset bundles and JSON needed to be updated for U8 anyway so we took the opportunity to do it now)
- Added custom spell support by subclassing SpellCastCharge, SpellCastProjectile, SpellMergeData or SpellPowerData
- Spells are now more customizable from their JSON
- Spells is now distributed through a container item (this allow more flexibility like using loot tables)
- Telekinesis and slow motion spells can now be tweaked from JSON and even subclassed with a plugin
- It's now possible to completely disable magic (by removing all spells in the player container)
- NPC audio is now customizable
- Added background music support
- Holder slots are now a string list set in game.json
- "FXs" and "Effects" JSON are replaced by "Effects". Effects is the new modular system managing all the effects in-game (impacts, casts, blood splatter, etc...). It currently support Audio, VFX graph, Particles, Decals and Painting
- Removed "Collisions" JSON, renamed "PhysicMaterials" to "Materials" and added MaterialDamage / MaterialEffect to manage collisions logic.
- To improve imbue effect look on U8, it's recommended to add an emissive map and a dedicated mesh overlapping the blade for VFX. The emissive and imbue mesh need to be referenced from the ColliderGroup on the prefab.
- Added a DynamicProjectile item with no renderer that can be used to spawn different kind of projectiles (used for Fireballs)
- Fixed incorrect deserialization of Game.json
- Moved all methods to virtual in Brains
- Misc changes in a lot of JSON


All Comments (21)
  • i wish there was multiplayer for this game that would be sick fighting other people
  • @Eggy_The_Egg
    I wish they make the enemy holds the weapon differently depending on what weapon it is. Like a long sword for example, they should hold it with two hands and it wouldn't have a drag like effect when they swing. And the way they hold it should effect the way they swing, and the way they swing should affect the damage the weapon deals per swing.
  • @chickenbob562
    for better performance: completely uninstall blade&sorcery and then download it again also disable shadows and stuff especially if you want to try out citadel i had like 10 fps before and every time i hit an enemy i had 1 fps after doing this i have legit 80-90 fps on the old maps and around 40-50 on citadel
  • @MMD-mi5vx
    imbue arrows with fire, shoot them at walls and climb with them
  • @ForgetfulHatter
    dude clad in heavy armor: "nothing will beat me." random dude with a fireball spell roleplaying as a doom imp : Doom_imp_alert_sound.wav
  • @SceneKid90210
    When I was playing (for as long as I could before I started getting a head ache from the horrible frame lag), I was messing around with the Gravity Spell and saw that if you release the spell while punching someone at the right time, you can knock them them pretty far away.
  • Hopefully we get: - Skill tree and upgrades - Quests and dungeons - Cosmetic and weapon loots - Multiplayer/coop
  • @teavo3808
    finally, some raw, uncommentated gameplay great video
  • Ok from my honest opinion, it really just seems like you can't kill anybody without having to use the spells lol. You can't slice or stab without having to put a fire spell onto the blades. Or just going for the head which would be really annoying. And literally the extreme lag you get when you play it, my computer can run HL:ALYX on max graphics but it can't run U8 on lowest settings which I think is a major problem.
  • @Shahyan-xr9ed
    I played this update for like 2 hours straight even with performance issue bugs
  • @no-ev1om
    is it possible to use fire-buffed swords to climb?
  • The telekinetic power suits the star wars mod Telekinetic shockwave is awesome looks like the force to me lol
  • Is this like a new vr thing cus mine looks different maybe cus my vr is a quest 2
  • @BraveMushroom
    Tip: You can punch through a fireball without taking damage. You can deflect fireballs using gravity magic. You can block lightning attacks with lightning.