#NoFilter Stories - Megan

Published 2019-05-22
Our #NoFilter stories are where teens can be real about what they're going through with their mental illness. We encourage you to speak up and take off the filter you've been hiding behind. Contact us if you want to share your story via letter or possibly video. Through sharing your story, we hope that others can find inspiration, know they aren't alone, and raise awareness about mental illness.

Here is a story from Megan, a survivor of anorexia nervosa. She speaks of her pattern running from the reality of her eating disorder and focuses on the importance of facing and embracing your struggle.

"There's an unspoken message that the only stories worth telling are the stories that end up in history books. This is not true. Every story matters. We are all worthy of telling our stories and having them heard. We all need to be seen and honored in the same way that we all need to breathe." -Viola Davis

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