Sticking Together in State Of Decay 2

Published 2018-12-27
Just a quick intro to State Of Decay 2. It's been a long time guys.

If you feel generous and would like to donate, you can do so with the following addresses;
If you prefer a more anonymous tip, then you can donate to my coin wallets;
Electroneum - etnkHwfVAMuah7C7fn4QWSRFPsyUhHCg3Un4JijDTMU7fXX6UbRMmpQ7A4eJ29bn3KRGSEhxSsTvSZs7xzE44HWT562QdNdUdi
Ethereum - 0x850C30467E33Fb3966d25a0Cd71970230dd6E3fD
BTC - 3HydGvzm4ECBbvvpcLH67gcT6e2QYwkWvn
Ripple - rinkrT71VGXK85ey91iiMk4Kn5xPrWSSG
Verge - DPT2fDn37xMdnvpSoCNGE622cgJt4msKhv

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