Gravity Circuit (Hard Mode) - My First Try (Part 10)

Published 2024-01-22
⚠️WARNING: This part of the playthrough goes into Gravity Circuit’s endgame stages, dialogue and all. If you plan on getting this game to play for yourself, do NOT watch this video or read the description below! ⚠️

Inspired by a couple of compilations I saw not too long ago, I’ve decided to take this plunge and attempt to beat Gravity Circuit on the hardest difficulty setting. I’ll take on these stages one at a time, prepare properly for each, and I’ll hopefully do well.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a show of skill or expertise, so forgive me if you find my performance too lacking or notice mistakes I wouldn’t. 😔

Part 10 - Ark (Entrance)
A proper introduction to a difficult sequence of levels. The exterior was nothing to scoff at, but the interior was… certainly dangerous. Seeing all the electric enemies didn’t bring a smile to my face. I will say that I’m happy I mostly did the swinging parts well this time.

Nega (Original Gravity Circuit)
I. LOVED. This fight! The way Nega was more active, aggressive, and unpredictable made it exactly how I’d imagine a clash between these two! I didn’t win first try, but I didn’t care because it was just THAT fun! Favourite boss fight this run so far!

Power Extender
Dodge Slider
Air Jumper

Distant Detonation
Rising Upper
Heavenly Piledrive
Catch Intercept

Enjoy. 🙂

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