How my tongue got me in a car accident

Published 2024-04-18
A friend of mine calls herself Milly the Millionaire, we ended up calling her that too, and now let me tell you, everything about her is Ching, I don't believe it is coincidental but it is what she pursues and therefore will expect and ultimately experience!

Train your mind and train your tongue to build you a life you want for yourself. Do it Today

Thank you for watching, I love you and will see you soon

All Comments (21)
  • I love how intentional you are with the content you upload on your platform. You don't post for the sake of being consistent or relevant, but you share what God is talking to you about with authenticity and discernment. Thank you for the teachings, we are learning🌻Keep on doing you...
  • @greatgift8268
    This reminds me saying my next car will be a Mercedes-Benz at that time i wasn't even earning that much to even afford a used one, but my next car was indeed a brand new Merc. Power of the tongue 🎉
  • @JanetMtwa-pu3iz
    This is 100% true. And this is why the enemy attacks your mind and thoughts first. Because most things are planted in your mind first. 🧡🌸🌷
  • Im 1 min in but i have to pause and comment, yesterday i remembered that when i was younger (HS) I use to tell my friedns that i dont wanna get married nor have kids and this came from simply just being hurt by my parents separation, my parents didnt tell me at 12 years old when the separated ukuthi why will dad not be at home anymore they just separated and at 12 years old i translated that as "Pops left us" and that made me think ukuthi men leave - they leave their partners and their kids so i will not tie myself to a man who might leave me or even put my poor kids through that so ill focus on having a big career only, LOL yesterday Holy Spirit reminded me that i use to continuously say that i will never get married and i need to repent and renounce those words now and lol last night in prayer i renounced them...lets be carefull of our words bo love of our words anyway let me get back to watching😊❤
  • @lebosihlangu
    I've been reprimanded🖐🏾Looooooook I heard you ma'am.❤
  • No man this word was out to reprimand me. After a week of turmoil and fighting at work and encounters with community members it got so bad that i got so frustrated that i would constantly say do what ever you want to me (kill me if you can) and wooow as much as death is not the greatest fear but this word is revealing that i was slowly confessing my own death when instead i should be rebuking these things.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Thank you Mrs G this was for me
  • @Khethelo_
    I am currently reading ‘Battlefield of the mind’ by Joyce Meyer and it talks so much about this. The power of your thoughts and fighting the battles in the minds first is so important. This word is so timely. Thank you for obeying God and sharing this with us ❤
  • @RebbyModiselle25
    Yaa neh this is what the Holy spirit is teaching me these days. To be very careful of what i say everyday.
  • Powerful message.. God help me to filll my mind and mouth with positive things.. Remove fear and doubt in my mind.. Let me focus and meditate on the things that are pleasing to God
  • Same as how my phone broke. I spoke it to being. Thank you for dusting off our minds with the pure truth of God
  • @rebonematonsi426
    “My car just broke down” is my favourite line every time I’m late 🙆🏽‍♀️🙆🏽‍♀️😂. Yoh😮, thank you.
  • @lebosihlangu
    Your reaction confirms what you've always been looking for😩such POWERFUL words🙌🏽
  • @lebosihlangu
    Out of the abundance of the mind the mouth speaks🙌🏽🙌🏽... The example w the orange makes so much sense🖐🏾.