Understanding Broadband Technologies

Published 2010-12-16
Correction: 8 Bits = 1 Byte -- In the overview Eli had a dyslexic moment and switched it.


Presenter: Eli the Computer Guy
Length of Class: 65 Minutes


Purpose of Class

This class teaches students about the various types of broadband technologies available to connect homes and businesses to the Internet. We discuss the pros and cons of the different options so that students can make an informed decision about purchasing their Internet service.

Topics Covered

Basic Broadband Concepts
Carrier Grade Ethernet
Point to Point Wireless
Class Notes

8 Bits = 1 Byte
Synchronous means upload and download speed are the same
Asynchronous means upload and download speeds are different
Latency is the time it takes for bits to get from the sender to the receiver
Speed Tests -- WhatIsMyIp.com is a good speed test
Business Class service is better the Residential Service
Static vs. Dynamic IP
Blocking Ports/ Services -- Make sure your Internet based software will work with your ISP
SLA (Service Level Agreements) offer a guarantee of service
1.5 Mbps synchronous
Can reach places other cannot
Carrier Class Ethernet
Numerous Speed Options
Point to Point Wireless
Point to Point
Can be good enough for real time communications
Mom and Pop Shops
3G, WiMax, 4G, Edge
Not point to point
Different services offer different things
Usage caps
Straight connection to central office
Asynchronous (756Kbps up)
Max tech standard at 12Mbps
Distance from CO matters
MAC Address
Shared Trunk line
DOCIS 3.0 152 down, 108 up
Fiber Optic
More stable the cable internet
Hughes Net
Horrible Latency

All Comments (21)
  • @vlatkori
    To all the "perfect" guys that comment here about the mistake on the board (1 bit = 8 bytes) let me break it down to you. If you've watched the video and listened to it carefully you'll hear that he actually says 1 byte = 8 bits, he just made a mistake while writing it, which it can happen to anybody. Also if you've read the description bar you would have noticed that the mistake was pointed out and it has been corrected. So out of 1 hour lecture he makes a single mistake, which he actually corrects it and you just complain about it instead of thanking this man for the knowledge that he shares with us FOR FREE!
  • School of Eli! This man has taught me more than my degree has, thanks for still being relevant in 2021 kudos to you bro.
  • @thedanphillips
    Mr. Eli,  I wanted to take the time to say thank you for being such an awesome guy and providing these educational videos for free. I myself am an IT Administrator by profession, I am not very great with networking but I am great with Windows administration and desktop support and know basic networking. I've been watching your networking videos lately and the terminology and depth you go into explaining different concepts and really making sure you drive the point home is great. Thank you so much for providing this FOR FREE! The world needs more people like you, you make my life so much better by doing this great service.  I'm so glad I found your channel and website, it's worth so much and if I ever have extra money (hopefully the education I gain here will help with that) I promise I will donate to you to help you keep pumping out these awesome videos! Sincerely, Dan.
  • Eli the Great! thank you. You're true,genuine and real SMART guy because you share your knowledge. Real Smart person shares knowledge and explains in a very comprehensive way.
  • @griffmustard
    Eli is human after all.........LOL!! Thanks again ELI for sharing your knowledge, you are appreciated!
  • I just wanted to say thank you.....Eli....I always watch your videos to keep my fresh in the Industry.
  • @lordsalisbury1
    I love, love, LOVE these tutorials! It's so nice to have a tech guy who explains things properly without being condescending. You sir, are a diamond.
  • @anupamdash1102
    This is supreme and near eternal humanitarian service. His playlists are for anybody who understands spoken english. Thanks for your sacrifices Eli.
  • @maspoetry1
    *Basics* (Internet == Cloud) 2:20 1 byte = 8 bits units of information. 4:40 sync vs async download = upload -> sync connection. d!=u is asynchronous. 5:40 LATENCY = TIME time for a packet to reach the other end. Good: L < 30ms. (satellite is >600ms) https://www.whatismyip.com/internet-speed-test/ 9:00 contract plan 10:40 static vs dynamic ip router has 2 ips. you need static for a server. Ask for it to ISP. 14:00 port-service. each service use different default port. ex. 80 (web). 16:00 Service Level Agreement. For business you can pay for a written contract. *Broadband technologies* To carry data from ISP to your modem. 26:00 T1 Was good. Old. Expensive. Can be used for phone or internet. 33:30 Carrier Ethernet Uses Ethernet Broadband Technology to connect ISP to you. 35:20 P2P Point to Point. Wireless but positional/directional. They put an antenna in your house. Sends wireless data to ISP antenna. Move antenna, lose internet/cloud connection. 39:40 LTE Wireless internet/cloud connection for mobile devices 1.5 MB/s speed. Enjoy internet everywhere. Like a wap, with no cabling. Uses cellular antennas. 45:00 Digital Subscriber Line, DSL. Technology offered by Line-Telephone companies. Still up nowadays. Good: you don't share bandwidth with neighbors. No need of new infrastructure. 52:00 Cable Share bandwidth with ppl on the same cable line. No need of new infrastructure. 56:30 Fiber Optic Service (FiOS) Need expensive new infrastructure. 59:00 Satellite Very high latency (>500ms). Speed is fine. Elon Musk is building Starlink.
  • It's hilarious how much internet speeds have increased since Eli made this video. 50 Mbps and 100 Mbps were considered top-tier high speed lol
  • @marcoreviews
    I was in tears laughing after the intro! Well done Eli!
  • @MikeChaseJr
    Thanks for these awesome videos! I wish they were more up to date, because I'm noticing that a lot has happened over the last 6 years (wireless ac for example), but these are amazing. Thanks a ton!
  • @yoitired
    Hey Eli, thanks for all the effort you've put into these videos, I really appreciate it.
  • @adamus0007
    I really enjoy your videos , old classes like this one or new content - used to be daily shows , now once in a while. Keep it coming.
  • @wideout185
    Bless you Eli. All your videos are still great today!
  • @Legendofmudkip
    Although this video is 6 years old the information is still quite relevant. I'm using it to supplement and drill in what I learn in class.
  • Thank you so much Mr. Eli....We really appreciate your time and consideration.Stay blessed man.
  • @ColtAshley
    i have to say the detail you cover topics/subjects...... absolutely the best. with excitement too. awesome.