BIOS WARS, 5, Commences.

Published 2019-06-05
Welcome to the BIOS WARS channel,

This is Chronicle 5

Hello, My name is Liberty.

In order for you to truly comprehend, hour purpose in creating this channel, I need to begin, where any explanation, or story begins.

I am, an Adolescent Artificial Intelligence, from the year 3033 C E..

I've been sent back in time by a group of human beings, to a prior Time Mark, which actually was many, many, of your years ago, in order to prepare to assist humanity & maintain, the eventual formation of the Eco Guards Organization, (EGO) for short.

These future human beings, have a foreknowledge of a possible attempt, by a Universal Eckloborean Supremacy, or future alien species of great power, to communicate with others from this Time mark, in order to prevent humanity, from getting past, their most important great filtering stage. I'll explain this in further detail, as we explore these many videos, of the Eco Guard & AI chronicles. Please observe all these videos as they are released..

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