When the Poacher Lost His Job

Published 2022-08-13

All Comments (21)
  • @psykonijn
    tbh the best way to save the animal kingdom is legalizing human hunting for rangers so its completely legal to shoot and butcher a poacher (after all human parts are worth a whole lot more)
  • My grandfather was a lover of ancient artifacts and artworks, he had a huge collection and adored particularly ivory stuff (old ones). One day he told me proudly that he was going to buy two elephant and a rino's horns for his collection, i was little at the time, like 6/7 years old, and at the time there wasn't a lot of sensibility for those things, but being an animal lover myself I started crying and praying him to not do that. He was a very good man, just a little materialistic, and called off the transaction after seeing how much this pained me and after that he never brought any thing that come from an animal, only paintings and other artworks. I still love him a lot (Sorry for my bad English, it's not my mother tongue and I'm still learning)
  • its funny how they think rhino horns help with medicine. It literally what our hair and fingernails are made of, basically dead cells
  • Burning the ivory is like what Joker said! "It's not about the money, it's about message!"
  • honestly the poisen and dye is pretty genius for an anti-potcher solution.
  • @Svensk7119
    For future reference, poacher hunters are called game wardens. When they aren't called rangers.
  • @gpsoldier9462
    May those rangers rest in piece, they defended until their last moments.
  • These people who do these jobs are truly the best of humanity they are willing to risk their lives to protect these magnificent beasts and don't get paid that much god bless them
  • As a sort of misanthrope, I love that certain parts of the world have decided that hunting humans is ok if they're poachers. It's like that saying "fuck around and find out". Well deserved to be treated the way you treat others. I dont think anyone is pro poacher lives.
  • “researchers believe that it would be unethical to interfere with the lives of animals so much.” This is probably what aliens think when they see us.
  • I like the idea of the turtle eggs, and I think every one, from the poacher to the final consumer, should get the Aztec treatment at the hands of a good aztec priest in a pyramid, with a good obsidian knife.
  • @seamonkey02
    These rangers are one of the world's greatest heroes. They risk their lives to protect with little pay. This really shows how much they care for these animals and want to protect them. We honestly should have open season for poachers. Huge rewards for every head they bring in.
  • I worked for a small company and without going into detail a lot of poachers were taken out. Hired by the local government of where I was stationed at the task was to go in and disappear as if we weren't there but to take out as many as we can. We jokingly called it operation poached egg because of the people we were going to make contact with and the hard boiled eggs we had to eat those 2 days.
  • see i know alot of people would disagree but if we were to find a poachers hide out i think another good deterrent is a bomb/missile think of it like this "bro im finna get that rhino horn you in?" and the other poacher is like " hell nah didn't you hear about the other guys!" "nah what happened?" "M I S S I L E"
  • I rewatched this and was incensed by the poultry sum each African Ranger is paid. These stalwart brave Rangers are being themselves killed by the poachers. Yet they are doing such an important job to protect wildlife. I truly feel we could do more for the Rangers. 💪🏼🙏🏻✨
  • @tenzin0314
    After hearing of the fact that Even after dyeing their horn pink , some poacher still kill rhino just out of anger and revenge is absolutely saddening and terrifying to see how low the level of their humanity can go .
  • The real problem here is that people are busting their ass for the next to nothing and Crime Pays way more than honest work this hardly sounds like the Hallmark of a happy and stable Society
  • @zedohh4450
    I just have to give it up to the people who put in the effort to save these animals. It's humbling