Google Cloud Firestore Database | Everything You Need to Know

Published 2023-04-11
cloud firestore database tutorial video
firebase vs firestore
realtime db vs firestore database
documents, collections, fields explaination in firestore
what is google cloud firestore, uses of firestore
difference between firestore and realtime database
basics of firestore database


Google Cloud Firestore (Playlist):
- Javascript:    • Cloud Firestore Database Version 9 (E...  
- C#:    • Google Cloud Firestore C# | English T...  

Firebase Realtime Database Tutorials:
- Javascript:    • Firebase Realtime Database Version 9 ...  
- C#:    • Firebase (C#) Tutorials in English  
- VB.NET:    • Firebase (VB.Net) Tutorials in English  

Software Used:
- FireBase Console (Online) via Google Chrome
- MS Power Point 2019

Project Description:
- Google Cloud Firestore Database

All Comments (4)
  • I have created restaurant finder pwa. I have used firebase cloud storage to display and search through the data, watching your videos. My question to you is how to make it possible if I click on one restaurant it will give more details about it another page. Likewise I want to add the details page for each restaurant using firebase v9. Each restaurant will contain different details. Can u help?
  • I do have a few doubts, if possible, can you help: 1) Can you initialize firebase without webpack.config.js Is it possible to initialize it between the script tag in the main html file 2) If yes, then how shall other html files access the firebase initialization 3) I am able to fetch all the restaurant documents and show them on the screen. I can apply searching functionality to it. But this process can cause charges in firebase as there is lot of data to read. So is there a way to prevent that. 4) I want to add a map location to each restaurant, how will I store that type of data in firebase v9 and how to represent the map location for each restaurant
  • I have created restaurant finder pwa. I have used firebase cloud storage to display and search through the data, watching your videos. My question to you is how to make it possible if I click on one restaurant it will give more details about it another page. Likewise I want to add the details page for each restaurant using firebase v9. Each restaurant will contain different details. Can u help?