How I Paint Things - Speed Painting Skaven Clanrats (Super Easy!)

Published 2019-03-29
The Skaven are a race of ratmen without counting, gnawing away at the very roots of reality and chewing at the gaps between realms. An endless tide of furry bodies, gnashing teeth and crude weapons, they are a primal force to be reckoned with, burying their enemies under swarms of Clanrats. READ MORE:

Painting a whole Skaven army can seem pretty daunting, but it doesn't need to be! There's plenty of places you can cut corners and get a pretty decent result on the table without worrying about highlighting every strand of fur, and for those that have enjoyed the speed painting and simple techniques in some of the other 'quick' videos so far, here's how I tackle the Skaven. Remember that you can swap colours as necessary to fit your own clan allegiance - green, brown, purple or even putrid yellow all work perfectly well with these same techniques.

I'll give you a clue: Agrax Earthshade may very well feature heavily in these...

If you do decide to stick to Citadel paints, then after using Bugman's Glow as the base colour for your Skaven's skin but before the Agrax Earthshade, just go over with a coat of Cadian Fleshtone and all will be well. :D

How I Paint Things is a series of simple instructional videos designed to help the newcomer through some of the basics and demonstrate how the very simplest techniques can still give you some great results that're easily replicated. Aimed at the beginner to painting miniatures, there might be one or two tips or tricks that help even you old hands!

Remember you can follow/reach me at the following places:

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Mephiston Red
Steel Legion Drab
Rakarth Flesh
Balthazar Gold

Evil Sunz Scarlet
Ushabti Bone
Liberator Gold
Kislev Flesh

Agrax Earthshade
Sylvaneth Bark

Beige Red 804

All Comments (21)
  • One of the best painting tutorials on youtube, quick, to the point, and goes through a process I can take to other minis.
  • @ellesse3862
    This video changed how I paint miniatures, no procrastinating or over thinking, everything I paint now follows this template and I've never been happier. In two years and pretty much ten months I've painted 986 miniatures, including some terrain pieces, lots of monsters, bestiary entries & characters for Warhammer Quest, my Undead, Chaos, and Skaven army. I also learned painting Skaven is what I enjoy painting most of all. Thank you for this tutorial.
  • @c00p3rm4n
    Thanks for another great tutorial. Whilst you clearly have a huge amount of skill, these pragmatic "good enough" recipes take some of the fear away for ageing newbies like me. Greatly appreciated.
  • @NerdNewsToday
    There's never not a special episode of this series, and that's because they are all very, very special.
  • Once again I watch one of these videos and look over at my painted miniatures and this time I quickly slide everything into the bin and decide to take up knitting.
  • @tiffer45
    Dude, I'm so glad the way you lay out your videos, with the paints in a line you step through each one calling out the paint and the brush. You also paint using simple effective techniques with a small choice of colors. The GW videos always use like 45 colors for every model. You're one of the few youtubers who does step by step painting at this nice simple level, others are going for very high level. Thank you for your work. Much appreciated
  • @ZippyBrew
    I just bought my first set today and chose Skaven, this is really making me less anxious about the painting of them.
  • @Plemp.
    So I just started painting my first models and the first two I made actually look really good but it took me about 5 or 6 hours to finish them as I was super careful not to paint over the edges. Knowing that I can skip this a little by just shading will save me a lot of time, thanks :)
  • @Mikey__R
    I love these little ratty dudes, ever since I read the exerpt from the Gotrek and Felix novel in White Dwarf back in 1992. If I started collecting for AoS, I'd get these guys.
  • @MrGreenpaulo
    I'm loving these speed painting videos! As others has said, this is where your channel really shines. The quality of the finish compared to the time put in is excellent. More of these speed painting vids please - especially AOS! ;)
  • @animullah
    Amazing work as always! That skaven looks like really nice with such a short time.
  • @Bubbowie
    great tips! i recently started a skaven army and need every speed painting tip i can get :)
  • @AdamRees85
    Thanks for your great content. I don't paint a lot but I love watching your videos! Always inspires me to paint more!
  • @macfenchel2418
    That is really a nice appraoch and it looks very good. But I still have to resist the force to join the AoS.
  • @john5381
    Love your videos man! Please keep it up! My kid and I are currently painting a squad of Monks!
  • @longhunter5935
    Nice- I have 10 fenris Wolves and a Thunder Wolf to do before next weekend’s game. Going to give this fur treatment a go.
  • @PepSoundZ
    again great video! easy steps to follow. loving the last part with the highlights. they make a difference;)
  • Dude.. You have no idea how helpful these videos are.. I just started painting with my son, and this is a huge help to us.. Thank you!!