Red Hook Fest 2020: Resistance Revival Chorus Sings "The Rich Man's House"

Published 2020-07-22
Resistance Revival Chorus
Rich Man’s House
Lyrics by Anne Feeney
Arranged and sung by the Resistance Revival Chorus
Rich Man’s House
From the album
Have You Been to Jail for Justice
Anne Feeney
27th Annual Red Hook Fest Online Broadcast Artists + Crew
Red Hook Fest Executive Producer Martha Bowers
Online Producer: Andrew Wagner Wide Angle Productions
Editor: Jessica Reiselbach
Youth Retrospective and Local Heroes Editor: Kira DeCourdres
Marketing Director: Heather Harvey
Marketing and Administrative Associate: Kira DeCourdres
Red Hook Local Heroes Camera and Sound: Jordan Campbell and Henry Arroyo
Youth Retrospective Camera: Kira deCoudres, Heather Harvey, Jack Mankiewicz, Aidan McLellan, Nicholas Nazmi, Peter Peregrine, Tod Seelie

This online broadcast has been made possible with support from the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the NYC Council, the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, the Mertz Gilmore Foundation and Con Edison.
The 27th annual Red Hook Fest is dedicated to Black individuals who have lost their lives due to police violence and to the next generation of Black and Brown youth who will carry on the movement to bring about a more just and equitable society.

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