Five signs your child might have a speech delay.

Published 2021-03-24
In this video we'll discuss five signs your child might have a speech delay. Are you concerned about your child's speech development? Are they a late talker? The first step is recognizing that there may be a problem so that you can make steps to improve your little one's speech and language. This video will highlight five signs you should look for to better recognize a speech delay.

00:00 Intro
01:25 Sign#1: Not Talking as much as their peers
01:50 Sign#2: Limited Speech Sounds
02:16 Sign#3: Not Gesturing
02:39 Sign#4: Not Understanding Speech
03:09 Sign#5: Frustration

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Naomi Brandt, MSc. SLP Reg. CASLPO is a registered Speech-Language Pathologist in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. For over 10-years Naomi has been working with kids and families just like yours and is excited to share the speech secrets to get your kids talking.

Do you live in Ontario, Canada? Would you like an assessment from a registered Speech-Language Pathologist? Please connect with Naomi and her team at

Disclaimer: This video and channel is intended for general information purposes only and does not intend in whole or in part to substitute for the assessment and treatment of a certified Speech-Language Pathologist. If you have any concerns about your child, please seek out a consultation from a certified Speech-Language Pathologist.

All Comments (21)
  • @chriscross1737
    Thank you so much for sharing this. This helped me understand my child more and consider what actions I should take.
  • @kivirfn4924
    luv you loads i could nt sleep from last three days...jss got hope...
  • @clairemacy
    This is soo helpful. Hopefully you could make a video about differences between Autism, global developmental delays and speech delays as it all have almost same symptoms or red flags.
  • @WilmaT.Ranque
    Thank you for this vedio, I learn a lot I am a sped teacher here in Philippines.. May I ask what the first step in teaching speech delay? What tips to do that? I hope you consider my question?
  • @stbaldawi
    I don't see milestone chart on website
  • Hello, my child is already 32 months, he started expressing words like "thank you" calling some few names of neighbors atound at the age of 10 months, and later one he changed. Just stops and till now the only thing he says is " Daddyhhh" a months back, i gave him food and he said thank you and i was surprised and was hoping to hear more to no avail. He destroys thinks alot, hears very well but at times he pretends not to hear, but upon coming, he runs because he knew that what he was doing was wrong. I please can you help? But the doctors says he will talk but we are still very frustrated. Please any idea?
  • @tbt-tales
    My child is 16 months old and hardly see anyone except me and my wife. With the pandemic, even if we go out for a walk to the park or mall, everyone has a mask. He just recently learned to wave bye, hello and flying kiss but never uttered the words "hi, hello, bye". Living in a foreign country, there's no families nor friends with kids to drop by. Also with a different culture, there's only a bit of social interaction in the community. We cut off screen time to 0 and he is saying lesser words now than he did before. He started babbling baba, dada, tata. He says papapa when looking for me and giggles when he sees me. However, He still wont respond to his name but will point to things and images he is familiar with, even naming them. He would bring me books if i ask him do you want papa to read? Im now confused if we should let him watch youtube nursery channel again since they are all the virtual friends he could have for now.
  • @BB-2383
    My 26 month son understands many things we tell him, like turn off/on the light, get in your chair, close the door, put on your shoes, etc etc. He will make gestures like pointing to planes, handing me plates once he's done eating, wave hello and goodbye. He will say "choo choo" when the train comes. At the same time he only understands a few words like mama, dada, hi, banana and does not try to speak back at anything else. Every attempt to teach, he runs to some different toy to play with or look the other way. Really don't understand why and our pediatrician recommended a speech pathologist. Any tips are helpful and will try practicing repeating sounds.
  • @rosegoald
    My daughter just got an IEP 😢she has developmental delay/ speech impairment. I know these signs all too well
  • @Dee910218
    Heya Naomi, what's your thoughts on the impact of.lockdown during the pandemic and babies who have grown into toddlers now but have minimal social interactions with other babies or people
  • @amberjoy533
    My son is 4 1/2. He's been doing speech therapy since he was 2. He wasn't saying much of anything, just grunting like you mentioned. We taught him some sign language which also really helped in communicating. He did, however, understand a lot. One thing we were asked to get checked was his hearing. In his case it wasn't the problem, but it's always good to rule that out! He's doing so well now. His therapist just decided to take him down to one session a week instead of 2. Anyway, my encouragement to those of you who have a child with a speech delay is that the earlier you get it taken care of the better. I was afraid he'd never talk, now he asks constant questions and makes us laugh with his humor. I'm so thankful for Early Intervention and IU13 for their free services and coming to my home every week (I homeschool and have 3 other kids as well, so that's a huge blessing!).
  • @NovinMukhia
    Yes my son is 3 years 7 months doing as same as you say
  • @BlessedYakub
    Hi, thank you so much for your Video. my child is almost 5 years old - very active, playful and show all emotions but when it comes to language, he has hard time saying some the things you mentioned. me and my x wife separated and we share the kids...what can we do to make his speech improvement? thanks a lot