Published 2024-05-15

All Comments (21)
  • Allie Beth, I am so thankful for you and your boldness for the Gospel. I will be praying that your event is so well-attended that many women and families will be equipped to stand in the coming spiritual battles. Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might!
  • In 2021, the night before my first born’s 10th birthday, I was sitting w my prayer journal, not even sure what to pray or write. Finally, the only thing that came to mind: “God, this is not the world I brought my children into. How do we proceed?” I closed my journal, put it away, and the first thing I see is my Bible sitting there. 🙏🏻
  • This is wonderful! The beginning of the video made me cry. God Bless you for standing up for Christ and what is right, no matter the cost. I wish I could come to this, but I will be there in spirit.
  • @Dsmom367
    Someone suggested making this a tour. Please consider this! Our whole America (and certainly the world) need this!
  • My heart aches for you young mothers. I never had to deal with the crazy stuff you gals have to.
  • @KeirstynAndrea
    My heart aches for what my kids will grow up in. I’m praying I raise them right. I’m doing the best I can to teach them that boys are boys and girls are girls and you can’t just change “because you want to.” Praying the world returns to sanity! 🙏🏽
  • I’m a middle millennial, I think. I was born in 87 so just a bit older than you but this video got me choked up. Thinking back on my childhood and how lucky we were to experience life without social media and playing outside everyday because our streets were safe. Thank you so much for sharing this and organizing this event, I know it will be very impactful!
  • @commoncurtesy
    Can we stream it live as an event for small churches in other cities? I’d love to go but doubt I’ll be able to from Canada
  • @taysssthenameee
    Thank you for being bold !!! You are the light in the darkness! Thank you for standing for what is right vs fear of man. Thank you for being an example to ppl like me!!
  • I'm 58 and not a grandmother yet. To be honest I am so worried about the future of our country that I have second thoughts about being a grandma. It really makes my heart ache. 😢
  • That's awesome! You should do an online general admission with online tickets so that women from across the globe can hear! 😬
  • @izzypizzy23
    Now THAT is what I call female empowerment. Well done.
  • @humblejoy3564
    thank you. as a fellow millennial, I felt this deeply within! thank God we can unite together and be of one mind 😊
  • @kimmcnatt6301
    That is so true and I’m glad there are wonderful women of God like you who are sharing God’s glory and uniting Christians for battle. God bless you. 🙏❤️
  • @amie7229
    Can I tell you how much this encouraged me and even inspired me! I can completely relate to everything you said. I find myself daydreaming often of my childhood and even what the world was like when I was in high school. Thank you for your boldness Allie. Appreciate you! God bless you ♥️
  • Great!!! What a great idea! I wish we could have something like that event here in Spain.
  • @amandab3645
    This is awesome Allie...God bless you and all you do ❤️
  • @hstiles1952
    “To do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God” (Micah 6:8). The world is crazy, but it was crazy then too (just not quite as crazy as today). But we had great childhoods because our parents didn’t make us feel unsafe or scared. And honestly they didn’t know as much as we do. I love this event and we ought to fight for right, but let’s keep our homes as heavenly as possible so our children look back and say they had wonderful childhoods where they had no idea of the evils in this world!
  • @dennisray671
    God bless you. Praying in thanksgiving for you and also that God will continue to protect you and to give you courage to stand with and in Him in these very troubling times. Your sister in Christ, Mary
  • @amyw7200
    👏🏻👏🏻 Bullseye on the Relatable! Wish we could go back but, YES the Lord has placed us here and now.