CS50W - Lecture 1 - Git

Published 2021-06-21
This is CS50W, CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript. Register for free at cs50.edx.org/web. Slides and source code at cs50.harvard.edu/web. Playlist at    • CS50's Web Programming with Python an... ….


00:00:00 - Introduction
00:00:15 - Git
00:04:47 - GitHub
00:14:48 - Commits
00:27:00 - Merge Conflicts
00:36:38 - Branching

This course picks up where Harvard University's CS50 leaves off, diving more deeply into the design and implementation of web apps with Python, JavaScript, and SQL using frameworks like Django, React, and Bootstrap. Topics include database design, scalability, security, and user experience. Through hands-on projects, students learn to write and use APIs, create interactive UIs, and leverage cloud services like GitHub and Heroku. By semester’s end, students emerge with knowledge and experience in principles, languages, and tools that empower them to design and deploy applications on the Internet.


This is CS50, Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.





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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License

David J. Malan
[email protected]

All Comments (21)
  • @hust681
    the content, the flow, the voice, the charisma .. everything is perfect! we are living in a time of getting the best education. thanks Brian, Thanks Harvard!
  • @syeda.k.2934
    lets take a moment to appreciate that these videos are not monetized .
  • @darkooo94
    Amazing course. It's awesome that Brian, being so young, keeps up with the quality level of David's lectures. Thanks Brian, thanks CS50!
  • I have tried understanding GIT and Github from so many video lectures in the past but this is the first time that I feel so confident.
  • @ianrust3785
    harvard should put all its cs classes youtube ... it would be a great contribution to the world.
  • @nadsmarcelo8863
    The best explanation of fundamentals of git that explained. I totally watched different tutorials and still confused to it. but NOW i am confident about the fundamentals of Git. Thank you Harvard!
  • @sagasam1
    Meeeeeen!! You are a born teacher! In all my life, I have not seen a facilitator of your type! fast-paced with concepts well-introduced before providing demos. I bet I'll watch the whole series 10 times over. Thank you very much.
  • @eskimo6097
    This was great Professor Brian! Finally wrapped my head around Git Version Control!
  • This is the best git explanation I've came across. Thank you CS50! ❤️
  • I’ve been trying to learn for two weeks I’m going to start a boot camp January and he’s the only person I can understand I was thinking of not going forward but after hearing him teach I now know I can do it thanks man
  • @zerodivided3676
    If your terminal commands are not working then maybe that is because you need to install GIT to your machine first. It is briefly mentioned but not demonstrated so pretty easy to miss. Furthermore, some of the command line commands are mac only so you may need to google for your OS' equivalent of them - for example 'ls' doesn't work in command prompt (but does in powershell) and you should use 'dir' instead. ' Touch' is also not available in Windows command prompt, but there are alternatives you will need to google for (or simply create the files directly in your IDE). Very weird they have left this information out in what is otherwise a very good series - it may not be obvious to people who've never used GIT or the terminal before; aka the majority of the viewers here I imagine. To be quite honest - if you're relatively new to all of this and just want a good introduction to web programming and are learning this on your own -> please just skip this GIT lecture. Sure, people will argue that this is mandatory material for developers, but I feel most people / the target audience won't be needing this skill just yet if learning solo. Feel free to revisit this lecture later and proceed to lecture 2. If you do intend to install GIT and follow along then it's very likely you'll have to google around trying to get it to work because Github Desktop might not install correctly (that is; set the PATH variables properly) and you'll probably want to look for 'standalone GIT' and install that instead.
  • @dianakim483
    All this time I'm thinking how much work it took to make this lecture!!!! It is so clean and well structured
  • great class, I knew nothing and now i have a clear picture on GIT and Github. Thanks!!! now heading to the next video
  • @Pesto-64
    These are really great educators. Thank you for doing these videos!
  • really , good explain for git and github , good instructor Brian and good examples
  • @nisha.najihah
    Awesome, thank you for the great lecture, Brian. Simple and straightforward thank you very much and it so easy now to understand and picture what it does. Will explore more on this.
  • You are amazing Brian. Thanks Harvard for such an amazing course ❤️ You guys are really changing the world..... Best GIT tutorial I've ever seen
  • @ogal
    I've never seen a Git guide as clear as this video