Must Watch: Jess Phillips emotional plea to ban MPs who break the law

Published 2024-05-14
Last night MPs voted 170 to 169, majority one, in favour of banning MPs from Parliamentary estate if they are arrested for serious sexual or violent offences.

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All Comments (21)
  • @pedroloco9327
    How is anyone supposed to trust a MP with a criminal record? Doesn’t matter whether rape , embezzlement , theft of public funds , “ insider trading “ . The list goes on . Absolutely ridiculous that MPs have the vote on whether they should be punished for breaking the law.
  • @Comanche1
    Parliamentary privilege should be scrapped!!! The house of commons needs reforming dramatically... ☹
  • @JaneSmedley
    About time people stood up against corruption!
  • Shameful! Some MPs really do think they are superior beings above the law.
  • Might be one of the first times ive seen an MP actually sound like a human being, speaking with passion about something.
  • Jess Is absoulutly 100 percent brave human ......i stand with jess
  • IF WE ONLY HAD MPs of all parties with the same passion and truth of this MP, then the UK would be a better place
  • @DeelinWeed1
    Jess Phillips has just shown, there is one law for us and no law for MP's
  • Definitely NOT SUPERIOR.....they are supposed to be OUR SERVANTS......what a bloody joke
  • @algrant5293
    Jess Philips I love you. A politician that tells the boys club to 🦆 off ,you’re brilliant.
  • Jess Phillips for PM. Refreshing ethics and pragmatism. Powerful advocacy.
  • So refreshing to hear an MP stand up and speak loudly and clearly about basic human values and respect. Brilliant speech.
  • Amazing speech, thank god someone is standing up to represent those that have been wronged and are being pushed out of sight. She hit the nail on the head with one statement, which speaks to the base inherent problem in UK government .... "Why do we think we are so special".... Says it all.
  • Maudant didn't look very happy having her party called out. Well said Jess, parliament has to be one of the most unsafe places to work, full of people with no moral compass and sexual predators.
  • @banzaiman1
    Wow, hit the nail on the head Jess. MP's are no different and the rules should apply to them too. Disgusting
  • @Woofersgalore
    Jess Philips is a brilliant MP. Her passion and commitment to constituents and colleagues is brilliant. It’s a shame she has to be so angry about the lack of accountability because of its so prevalent. She is spot on.