First Hand Sightings Of Bigfoot - Boogeymen - Bigfoot

Published 2021-06-26
In the town of Willow Creek in northern California, the legend of Bigfoot, an ape-like monster believed to be a missing link between man’s evolutionary leap from monkeys, is taken more seriously than anywhere else in the world, with organized hunting expeditions, statues and even a museum – but is there any substance to the mythology?

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All Comments (21)
  • @carlhobbs6109
    I live here in Florida, saw what we call a skunk ape up close. My sister and I both saw it. Coming home from our Grandmother's house one evening taking a shortcut through the woods, trying to beat the dark. This was back in 1977, I was 8 years old at the time. We were riding our bicycles, riding as fast as we could when it stepped out on the trail in front of us. I slid down about 10 feet in front of it. This thing was massive!! I looked at it and it was looking at me. I jumped up and took off running. 45 years later, my sister and I both still tell the same story about what we saw. Whether or not people believe it, I don't care.
  • @nomore4me286
    MK Davis did a video where he took the original Patterson gamlin film and took digital images of it frame by frame. He then enhanced the shots until you can see muscle movement in the legs you could see her toes curl, you could see her fingers moving, you could even see her blink. That video alone convince me that these creatures are real.
  • The Biologist can make a point about newbies city slickers in the woods but not those of us who grew up in the woods and know the sounds of the regular native animals. You're so in tune to the normal sounds you immediately know when something is different. The normal sounds change the air feels different much like the air before a storm. You can feel the difference.
  • Myself being native American from the northwest ,I finally had a close up encounter with 3 sasquatch's . From a late night drive back from Spokane into Idaho at around 3am in the morning . Ones who do not believe they would been scared and crying what I seen I had to stop the car and I was looked at for a long time .before I decide we'll I better go ..never will forget that moment.
  • @mikemyers7414
    I'm a logger an haul logs out of the deep woods day an night an there's all kinds of spooky things in the woods . I've seen footprints tree structures bent trees I've had sticks an rocks thrown at me heard vocals an had one sighting . I'm in northeast texas southeast Oklahoma area along the redriver
  • I love how all the skeptics dismiss the hundreds of years of native American's with all across the country say the same story pretty much...
  • @chockotjs4879
    I was born in Portland Oregon My respects for bigfoot ✌ he owns the woods no hiking for me
  • @hawkmaster381
    If the American Indians of 200+ years ago saw this creature and were unable to track it, then it is indeed paranormal in nature. They were the best trackers on Earth.
  • Bugs the hell outa me when "Bigfoot" is referenced as if there's just ONE running around all over North America
  • Even a body would be doubted and we all know it would end up like Roswell again.
  • @rebelray84
    "There's people all over those woods...... thousands of logging roads". This person has never really been out in woods of the northwest. At least not very far from one of those logging roads or hiking trails . There are hundreds and hundreds of miles out there that have never been visited by man.
  • @AP-zc2oo
    Thats interesting; most loggers and woodsmen are the ones sharing their experiences with Sasquatch. Obviously, these people have never been outside.
  • Here is a question for you. I have been friends at a church of over 500 hundred people. They all have cell phones. I have been attending there for over 12 years. I have attended many social functions and regular services, yet NOT one of my friends has a single picture of me or a head shot of me on record! Many others have had their pictures taken and they are in albums yearly that the church puts together at the end of the year. However, strangely enough, there are zero pictures of me in ANY of these albums. Which begs the question: Do I exist? Have I really been a member of the church for 12 years? Answer: of course I have--I am not the only person in 500 people who happens to not be in the photo albums either, but it happens. Yeah, I can easily see that YOU can miss a wild animal that wants to be elusive. I think there are fewer then a 10 to 20 in some of these vast forested areas. IF some humans can live to be 120--some parrots live to be 75-100 years old--why not some of these cryptids then live to be 100 or more years old? The longer they live, then, the less of them there probably are, stands to reason. Plus, my brothers and sister and I saw a family of three of them when were were kids over 50 years ago! We played in an area where another one or two lived when we went camping . This went on for about 10 years. So YOU cannot convince me they do not exist. sorry the biologist cannot photograph one, but that does not mean they do not exist. Sorry for you.
  • @darleystar
    The Patterson-Gimlin film has been studied by the Smithsonian Institute and Moscow University, both have verified, by separate means, the footage is genuine. The creature was also undoubtedly female. Bob Hierornymus, who claimed to have acted the 'role' in a gorilla suit, has had his claims discounted on too many issues to be credible.
  • @walkerm777
    I live in SW Washington. On 17 acres. I believe we've experienced them here. Even had 2 horses and a grey mule with broken necks. 3 different times. They were found on the west side of our hay field. They were only let out there after were done haying for the season. Also all our chickens, ducks and turkeys were taken from a very secure chicken coup. And many other stories since 1970.
  • @Vaiva.Vo.o
    Willow Creek is a well known place for Bigfoot,but not the best place to “find” Bigfoot.....And by the way, you don’t find Bigfoot, Bigfoot finds you.
  • @Mk2fSaloon
    Well, that guy seems like a real open minded man of science and not dismissive of any outside opinions at all. As is often the case in the various fields of science.
  • @pattibrown1809
    Nobody is in a better place than the wildlife biologist to discover bigfoot?? Really? Why would he even look; clearly he already knows everything!
  • @g.g.2305
    Native Americans have lived on these lands for millenniums and with Saquatch.