Calvinism Versus Romans 3

Published 2016-11-18

All Comments (21)
  • Recommended video: The Cornelius Principle :17 Romans 3:11 1:36 the keep reading principle Eph. 1:4 --> Eph. 2:12 Eph. 1:15 --> Romans 8:23 Rom. 9:18 --> Rom. 11:32 John 6:44 --> John 7:39, 12:32 John 10:26 --> John 10:16 John 17:8 --> John 17:21 John 15:16 --> John 6:70 3:55 Job 12:6 4:22 Amos 4:4 6:46 Rom. 1:15-16 6:54 Rom. 1:18-20 7:18 Rom. 1:21-23 7:45 Rom. 1:24-26 9:40 Rom. 1:30-32 10:52 Rom. 2:1-3 12:25 Rom. 2:4-5 13:26 Rom. 2:6-9 14:27 Rom. 3:10 14:32 Rom. 3:23 17:05 Rom. 2:11-16 19:20 Rom. 2:17-22 19:57 Rom. 2:23-25 21:26 James 2:10 22:32 Rom. 2:26-29 24:26 Rom. 3:1-4 26:05 Rom. 3:5-8 27:27 Rom. 3:9-12 28:21 Rom. 3:13-19 29:02 Rom. 3:20 30:11 Rom. 3:21-26 32:36 Acts 10:1-2 36:18 Rom. 3:11 ___ (unsaved seek after God) 36:23 Acts 15:17 37:01 Acts 17:27 38:45 Heb. 11:6 38:57 Isaiah 11:10 39:08 Isaiah 55:6 Matt. 7:7 39:32 Matt. 6:33 ___ 39:55 Rom. 10:14-17 43:20 Rom. 5:18 43:23 Heb. 2:9 43:27 1 John 2:2 46:15 Rom. 11:33 48:55 Rom. 11:32
  • One thing you can't deny about Bro. Kevin, he is a BIBLE teacher.
  • @shannoncats5549
    I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and then attended a Calvinist church prior to getting saved and I can tell you that they are very similar in that they both love their proof texting and they both have their own bible translations that have been altered to support their faulty doctrine. The JW’s and their NWT and the Calvinists and the ESV. I have been told that I just don’t “understand” Calvinism. To the contrary;I understand it perfectly well. It is a doctrine of man with a cult like mentality in it’s adherents, just like the JW’s.
  • Kevin Thompson, God bless you brother, One of the best exegesis/ biblical hermeneutics on Romans
  • @SonsofIssac
    Kevin, I love your videos. So helpful. Thank you for taking your time and posting this. It's invaluable information. Learning a lot about how to study scripture. Again thank you so much for your time and effort. Much appreciated brother. Please keep it up.
  • @johntrevett2944
    If you believe in calvinism you must believe in regeneration BEFORE belief. Nowhere is this in scripture.
  • So Thankful for all your videos. My only complaint is that the video posts are too few!! GOD Bless You and Your Family! Thank you
  • Hey brother all your videos are well thought and informative. I really enjoy the format and content. Heres a request brother: in-depth classes on exegesis and hermeneutics
  • @Lasslo
    Easy explanation. The text says "There is none that seeketh after God" but Calvinist say "You see nobody CAN seek after God" That is clearly wrong. Read word by word. Nowhere says that people can't seek after God.
  • @Dmlaney
    If you read Romans 3: 11 in context then you would see it is talking about "by the law" "as it is written" (Romans 3: 10 and 20). Romans 3: 11 is the beginning of a long list of things that are finally explained in Romans 3: 20 which explains that it is talking about the Old Testament Law. Romans 3: 21-31 is talking about Paul's day in which they have learned that the law was just a schoolmaster to bring them to faith but could never save them (Galatians 3: 24-25).
  • @ScrogginHausen
    Calvinists: certain of everything, except if Christ died for them.
  • @ankeen1234
    By far the best explanation regarding Romans 3
  • @sketchbook1
    Yep. I always thought that Romans 11, especially the summation of all of the argument, found at the end of the chapter-- totally destroys Calvinism's understanding of Romans 9,  Unconditional Election and  Limited Atonement especially.
  • @wtom04
    Calvinists will take Romans 3:11 in support of "total depravity" or "total inability".
  • @laserfalcon
    Kevin, can you recommend any biblical outlines of books of the Bible that you trust?
  • The fact that subjunctive conditionals exist in the Bible suggests Calvinism is suspect. You can quibble how it is not a problem, but it should make one pause. Does context actually suggest choice or decision is meaningfully in mind? I should think so. Our entire framework for guilt, justice, praise, etc depends on these principles of the ability to choose right and wrong and the responsibility of that choice.
  • @daveme7
    This is the first time I have ever heard someone define a text as a judicial statement v. Practical statement. Can you resource this? How does one recognize biblical passages are judicious or practical? Are judicial statements that which we need not take seriously or even literally? Right around 39:30 until 39:40, you name it, “Judicial Declaration”. Are judicial declarations the same thing judicial statements? You state at about 42:26 that Romans 3:11 is not intended to describe every lost person. What happens is very very interesting after stating this does not describe all lost people. Then you turn and state that this is how God judgmentally views us in his sight if we broke the law. And, it goes without saying that every single person ever born of a man and woman broke the law of God. The point here is you defined these words in Romans three in opposition to each other. 1. Romans 3:11 is not a description of all lost people 2. It is how God judgmentally sees us in his sight if we broke the law. So which one is it? Lets really look at it. In Romans 3:10 it does not start with declarations of judgment or description of judments but rather it starts with these words: As it is written. What that sho-uld be doing is triggering in the mind of most believers that Paul is using a resource used here. Where did Paul get this from? Psalms 14 and 53. When I look at Psalms 14 and 53, I cannot help but notice how close Kind David and the Holy Spirit came to teaching the non-Calvinist view of foreknowledge. If I were to take this being about foreknown faith or foreseen faith, can only draw one conclusion which is God does not foreknow(in the non-Calvinist view or foreknowledge) or foresee anyone coming to Christ. If I place foreknowledge under the auspices of this passage-we are screwed and no one would be saved. 2 The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any who understand, who seek God. 3 They have all turned aside, They have together become corrupt; There is none who does good, No, not one. The New King James Version. (1982). (Ps 14:2–3). Nashville: Thomas Nelson. What do we see here? God is looking down from heaven upon the children of man. He is enquiring about the state of man. For what? To see if there be any who understands and any who seeks after God. What’s the conclusion? They have all turned aside, they have together become corrupt, there is none who does good, no, not one. How many people have God foresaw would turn to Christ? Zero. What Paul does is to take these words of enquiry and turns them into declarative and absolute statements. About who? Us. All of us. Honestly, I am surprised when you stray from known, clear, cogent, and precise statements made in the scriptures and turn it into something else. Now maybe I have not ever come across any hermeneutical text defining judicious statements v. practical statements. I could have read it in books I read 20 years ago and forgot reading the specific part, ideal, or understanding. But I do not think I will find anything describing these passages in these ways. Perhaps I could look in every encyclopedia or dictionary have through Logos books-and some books about bible study I own through Kindle. Just thought of something, had Bullinger’s Companion Bible downloaded yesterday which gives me the ideal of perhaps looking in Bullinger’s Figures of Speech in the scriptures. Will I find anything there? Do you have a resource teaching judicious statements v. practical statements? Would be really good to know which passages of the scriptures did God intend for us to understand literally and others that we really do not need take seriously since it is not applicable to us anyways (no, I really do not believe that but it seems like that is what you taught here.) These passages-were written twice before Paul used them-I just figure that would be pretty important for everyone to understand. Almost forgot this-in Romans 3, how does one understand that this passage that follows is not applicable to everyone as it is teaching the universal sinfulness of humanity: 9 What then? Are we better than they? Not at all. For we have previously charged both Jews and Greeks that they are all under sin. The New King James Version. (1982). (Ro 3:9). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
  • Romans 3:11 (or Psalm 14:2). Great topic!! 39m:19s.. Yes we are told to seek, by who?? Think about it; all scripture is given by inspiration (God breathed) of God!! The ability to seek Him, is us responding to the call and command of being told by HIM to seek.. :) Bringing in Romans 10 after that was good too.. Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you .
  • @LennyKant
    You got five dislikes, they are surely calvinist, they told there community to stop at 5, so 5 dislikes.