Long Way Home - Bass and Vocals

Published 2023-05-07
For me, playing bass while singing, and trying to do either particularly well is a lifelong pursuit. Fundamentally, it comes down to consistent practice and deciding what the parts are so you know them solidly, neither of which have I been historically good about.

If I had one suggestion to offer anyone else trying to sing and play bass, it is this, it only gets better when you can stop thinking about it. For some songs it is about knowing the bass line so well that I don't have to think about it. Other times, like this song, I'm so familiar with the tune that I can try to experiment with the bass a bit. Half or more of these experiments end terribly but the pursuit is always a success.

I've seen a small but noticeable uptick in subscribers lately and that encourages me to make more videos that are works in progress. YouTube is full of perfect polished players and absolute unabashed beginners. I'd be happy to meet somewhere in the middle because I think that's where most of us are. And I'm glad to be here with you.

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