Initial Question

Published 2009-01-26
The first open discussion thus far between myself and a theist. This man I have much respect for and have known for some number of years now. He's an intelligent theist and is as equally respectful towards me and the notion of atheism. He won't be as active here on YT as other theists, but I hope we can have an adequate discussion.

This discussion--like others I may have in the future--is not intended to pursuade either participant to change his/her mind on the subject. It is for those who are on the fence. Let our points soak in and meditate on them. We are not exclusives in our ideals and your choice should not be based off of our discussion(s) alone. Look into the matter seriously and deeply.

I hope that I can help those leaning towards atheism to escape their religious convictions. Becoming an atheist is not done over night and is not done lightly or easily. It is an on-going process that can take years.

Hope you enjoy.

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