Published 2024-05-13

All Comments (19)
  • You can tell if bots are speed mining by looking at the nexus. If the number is stable its normal mining, if the number is fluctuating its speed mining.
  • Eris AKA Bamboo Roots!!! It exponentially grows slowly. Once it's roots (AKA Creep Tumors) are embedded, it takes over the map insanely fast...
  • @phaseblade
    Blizzard AI could be referred to as the "house bot", like in BattleBots πŸ™‚. More bawts!
  • @FlyWR
    That was really nice one :) I didn't play SC2 for years but I expected the insane AI to have a larger army earlier.
  • Yes!!! I really enjoyed the last one so this is gonna be great 😊
  • Yay ^^ just what i wanted to see after this day's work! Thank U
  • @thezzach
    Holy crap What a weird game. How the heck does the cheater bot mine so quickly? It’s like it was programmed with 99% focus on mining and 1% on engagement
  • @pmmm712011
    Didn't even know that Eris would build banelings. Eris is truly insane for a non-neural-net AI. What's the community view on if it can beat alphastar? Alphastar is limited by APM, Eris can do infinite micro.
  • @tlacmen
    the blizzard AI is designed to be fun, not powerful. very different goals ;) (whether that goal was achieved is separate question ;) )
  • @Spartsou
    huh....I know Cheater 1 Blizz AI can get more resources Cheater 2 has vision of the enemies units and structures and Cheater 3 has both vision and extra resources. I was wondering what would happen when one of these programmed bots would face the Blizzard AI.... I wonder if an Elite AI would do better.....? fun fact: when the AI 'ggs' it'll send a message to surrender, as the player, you can accept and win automatically, or you can say no and just destroy all their buildings. I'd wager that the bots can't accept their surrender early, lol