Donald Glover is an unlikable artistic genius

Published 2022-07-03

All Comments (21)
  • Childish Gambino is the reason we have Miles Morales so I always like to give him credit for that
  • @kaydgaming
    “Black girls didn’t like me” experience lowkey might be a very important puzzle piece you’ve yet to analyze in the Mano-sphere.
  • @LuisMD96
    I would love to hear you talk more about the “black girls didn’t like me” experience
  • @moongoose8768
    I don't think we do ourselves any favors by pretending the black community doesn't have a conformity issue. Myself, the only black girls I dated were also ostracized by the greater black community for being 'weird.' Either for the way we talk or the things we like or how we dress. I'm in my 30s now, and still find some black people extremely judgmental or even hostile to anyone who falls outside of their script. It isn't something only we do, of course, every in-group has some degree of this.
  • @killerdrew99
    That “Black Girls Didn’t Like Me Experience” is the best way to interpret the mentality and behavior. I used to harbor similar feelings in my youth so I surrounded myself with Nerdy White Guys and girls in middle school and high school. After I broke out of those spheres in college, I learned not to bring past interactions into to relationships and just talk to people and not be a cringebag. Basic Social Skills I’d say. Edit : I should say I allowed negative chatter to change how I felt about myself growing up. I didn’t automatically get to middle school and start having these feelings toward black girls. I had felt unattractive in every way. Thought my skin tone was too dark. I had heard these jokes from folks as dark or darker than me and me not knowing myself I allowed those negative thoughts to imprint deep into my mind. So low self esteem and receiving negative stimuli plus just being a weird kid in general kinda compounded into a white girl chasing and white guy adjacent black nerd. It took until college to realize these feeling I felt weren’t mine and were projected and I just adopted those.
    Really tried of Black men acting like they are the only nerds in the black community, as if there wasn't black girl nerds who these dudes over looked. Non-nerdy "hot" girls of every race was/is not checking for the nerdy dudes of their race . The fact that nerdy black dudes act like its just a black girls thing is funny to me. Alot of black dudes do walk around with a lot of self-hate and just blame it on black women, also lets not act like black girls don't hear ALOT of horrible stuff from black boys just for being black girls(and don't let them be darkskin) growing up.
  • as an asian woman all i can think about were his MULTIPLE weird bars fetishizing asian women and its enough to turn me away lmao love atlanta tho!
  • @charnelle9541
    This! I love Childish Gambino but people constantly ignore his misogynoir and blatant colorism. It was hard to be a fan of his during the Camp days because while I loved the song Freaks & Geeks, I still cringe at that one line he had in that song. Not to mention, his portrayals of darker skinned black women in Atlanta tend to be 2D negative stereotypes. I appreciate the artistry in that show and his current music but he still has a massive Blindspot and chip on his shoulder when it comes to black women and even when I bring it up, as a fan myself, there's constant pushback. I think it's ok to critique art and still enjoy it but I'm not going to deny my experience watching this as a dark skinned black woman.
  • @lm8499
    My issue with Atlanta is the colorism. How they portrayed a dark skinned woman in that skit about interracial dating. Bug-eyed, angry and bitter. I had a problem with it and I’m not even dark skinned.
  • @groolchick2
    These "Black girls didn't like me" dudes really aren't harmless and I have no sympathy for them really. A LOT of Black women have been randomly targeted and bullied by these guys, in racially demeaning ways. I feel like these guys get the most coddling and understanding, when they sound no different than White supremacist when talking about Black girls and Black women. As you can see I have a lot of hate for these guys lol. So many stories of them tearing down Black girls and women who were literally just existing.
  • Whewwwwwww as a Black girl that grew up loving Donald/Childish, it was (and is) such a hard thing to process and deal with. And he never wants to acknowledge it!! He acts so above it and removed now, and oh Rihanna is in the movie now but then you have a self interview where you randomly ask yourself “do you hate black women?” then don’t answer the question??? Don’t even get me STARTED on the terrible writing for Van this season.
  • @Leahs_Dad
    CG was defintiely one of my biggest musical influences in the early 2000s because I very much grew up feeling too white for the black kids and too black for the white kids and since it was pre internet there was just no way to know that feeling wasn't unique. It was the first time I felt seen by a rapper. I could relate to all the black girls didn't like me blah blah blah Then I went to college and realized it wasn't that black girls didn't like me, it was other races liked me specifically because I was black and thought that was cool. The black girls just saw me for who I was. It was a very wild experience and the clearer that came to me the less I could go back and bump old bino.
  • @pemart2760
    I used to like him as an artist but realized after a year or two without listening to him I realized that i wasn't really interested in what he was saying I just liked the beats and his delivery
  • Imo, Awaken my love was a nice tribute to 70s funk and soul and provided a interesting modernized take on those sounds. Before the internet seems like Gambinos first step out of the “incel” territory and i think its aged pretty well. Overall, despite some dumb shit hes said, I think Gambino means well and puts alot into his creative work.
  • @cbetv3
    I always got a Kanye type of vibe from his songs and interviews. Wasn’t treated the kindest growing up while perusing his career and created an arrogant persona to cope with his insecurities. With his success it only validated and fed his inflated ego. Not necessarily putting himself on a pedestal but carrying himself with a sense of self indulgence as if he felt he had proved something and still feels the need to constantly prove it. I tried not to judge him since I wasn’t sure if it was maybe part of a character specifically for the art or if he was genuinely expressing himself. But despite that I couldn’t shake those weird feelings on the back of my head. It’s a little challenging for me to put into words so I may be missing the mark a little lol
  • @philwath
    Thank you! I grew up hearing that whole “Black girls don’t like me” BS from nerdy Black guys. I think it goes down to dudes that aren’t conventionally masculine and attractive idealizing girls that are conventionally feminine/ attractive and being BIG mad when those girls don’t appreciate them for their nerdy qualities. A lot of nerdy guys are misogynist and don’t value women for their personalities or interests, yet expect women to value them for theirs. I was and still am a nerdy Black Woman. However, a lot of Black nerdy guys refused to interact with me in pursuit of women they had nothing mentally in common with. I think it has to do with nerdy guys still wanting the image of a stereotypically cool Black girl. I’ve always been cute and confident, but I’m a nerd and look the part. To some extent I think the nerdy Black guys chose to ignore the existence of Black female nerds because they don’t fit the part of their idealized woman. To an extent Black nerdy guys create a self fulfilling narrative that all Black women are bad for not wanting a relationship with someone they didn’t have anything socially in common with. They seem to be fine with dating non-Black nerdy girls, why not try connecting with Black female nerds? I think times are changing and there are more Black men appreciating the presence of Black women in nerd circles. But man was it hard dating in HS. I also think Black female representation in Anime has something to do with it. Or Black female representation in nerd culture in general. We are the butt of so many jokes and it’s only now that we are starting to see positive representations. In general Black women seem to be the least desired so I guess it’s no surprise for nerd culture to follow the trend.
  • All you've said is truth but I don't want to accept it 😭😭😭 Yeah, as a Black woman who was a Black girl completely obsessed with Donald Glover, I've always felt this weird-ness around Donald and the topic of Black women, specifically, and I couldn't put my finger on it when I was young. But now, it's clear as day and it makes me very sad. I absolutely love his art, but it is heartbreaking to think that I would be virtually invisible to him. 🤷🏾‍♀
  • @therrfuin7897
    Donald Glover attempting to ask himself what he thinks are "controversial" or riveting questions and giving backhanded, almost passive aggressive answers in his "self-interview" was by far the most pathetic, dorky thing he's done yet
  • "Relax, black chick, I think that I have offended thee- Got nothin' against the sistas, I just don't think they're into me. I am not a thug, AKA: what they pretend to be… " is a line from "Not going back" which was before his Culdesac album. And "I'm down with the black girls of every single culture. Filipino, Armenian girls on my sofa. Yeah, I like a white girl, sometimes we get together" is from Freaks and Geeks. I get nerdcore was popular just a few years ago but his stuff aged poorly.
  • That cringy ass scene in Atlanta where the black woman was having a one sided screaming match with a white girl. It just screams incel/manosphere writing