Journey into Screen Acting Update - Part 8

Published 2024-01-18
This week I’ve focused on line learning and chunking down lines to make them read more like a poem and spot patterns like alliteration, repetition, assonance and sibilance. It’s been working for me and I’m really enjoying it. What are your line learning #toptips ?!

Lacey has thrived so far at her new theatre school, it is very professional and she’ll be doing auditions there which is great as so much of what she’s done so far has involved self tape auditions only. The quality of their work is excellent and expectations are high - perfect!

Lacey has been woeking on a monologue and a duologue for a festival competition. She is now working with an ileer student for her duologue which although makes that entry ‘harder’ it’ll be really good for her ti see some woek from stife ts two years older than her.

Spotlight has accepted me 🎉 Yey! My drama degree from about 20 years ago was all I needed. Lots of jobs frequently posted on there, generally higher paying than Backstage and other acting job platforms. Lots of commercials on here.

I was proud of myself for turning down a selftape request for a project that was lower paying, self written and self shot. It would have been a lot of my time for lityle pay and would bit have furthered my showreel.

Untill next time 👋

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