Night owls, be warned!

Published 2023-01-19

All Comments (21)
  • I'm a hard-wired night owl, and yeah, echoing the people that are saying my chronotype is not the problem, the problem is society forcing everyone to be morning people.
  • @e_paige
    but the night is so peaceful 😢
  • So to clarify, bein a night owl isnt what makes one more at risk; societal pressure for everyone to also be awake in the morning is what causes those increased risks Im a night owl but i also dont have to work any job at all and dont have social obligations of any kind and can easily do things in the afternoon... Esp given im a one and done kinda person for social outings and the like; bcuz of my various neurodivergences causin me to be much much more exhausted by social outings than others are But yeah, back when i was still forced first by biofamily and then later by workplaces to be up early... I was def at increased risks here. Bcuz of the societal pressure put on me to exist outside of my chronotype
  • What I don't get is that in a world that runs 24/7/365 we insist that night owls must work 9-5 as if NO ONE is needed for night shift but the moment we have night shift openings we treat it like some sort of punishment for early birds to work them. A few of you get it and put night owls in night shifts because you need people alert at night.
  • It's not the being up late killing you, it's the having to get up!
  • @ambergris5705
    To be fair, I'm a night owl because it feels I have a biological clock of 25 hours when a day lasts 24. When the time to sleep comes, I'm usually not tired, happens only later, so it means that I'm constantly pushing back sleep... until I'm a night owl. Even my sleep is adjusted to that, my nights are long, so I probably would live best in 16 hours days and 10 hours nights.
  • @ghoste767
    me watching this video at 3 am on a wednesday: perfect, thank you
  • That ending just flashed me back into reality as if I have been stuck watching a screen 24/7 without any sleep. Thank you for saving me Tommo Carroll! I will now begin my journey into fixing my temporary night owl disorder/issue and save myself from my long time of social isolation due to always staying up at night n' sleeping in the morning every single time.
  • Jokes on you. I've always been a night owl, and I work third shift now. 😁
  • @Oman11112
    I mean I just got a job that dosent require me to even wake up until 2pm that way I actually can feel like I can function throughout the day, but either way works
  • I learned a while ago that i like going to bed when its still light out and waking up before it gets light out. If I see light when i wake up, i still feel tired. If I manage to be awake until dark, I cant sleep. But yeah, I always thought it was because my family took the night shift back in the day or were knocker uppers... ...Which is someone who would stay up all night to wake people up early in the morning so they wouldnt be late for work.
  • @exiletsj2570
    If you're young don't bother trying to change this, when you have a family of your own, you'll pass out exhausted at 9pm if you want or not. Guarding the cave at night is young single mans game.
  • @anton3437
    Well.. the "risks" are more likely due to society forcing night owls to live in unnatural feeling rythm. If it is hard to go to sleep early and you need to wake up really early it is going to fuck you up so many ways over long perioids of time, years and decades. I work in construction and unfortunately i have to wake up between 5-6am and that kills me. I have had one job where i started at 9-10 and quality of life was a lot better. I would say for night owls waking up in the morning if it is i would say at 8 or later is possible but literally going reverse your natural rythm waking up 5-6 is impossible to get used to. If i have no obligations and responsibilites like on a holiday i usually go to sleep at 4-5am.
  • @Har_Alternate
    me watching this at 4 AM, knowing i have to be awake at 6 AM :
  • @borger298
    Let’s fuckin go the sweet release of death is lit
  • @kaizersolze
    With internet, remote work (timezones) and everything can be delivered, now is a great time to be a night owl.
  • @CrescentMoon669
    Me watching this at 2:00 am ☕️☕️☕️☕️
  • @Mr._Dooter
    I fortunately am not a night owl, I wake up joyful and with ease at 6:30 am and I am ready for the day without much hustle