Allied air assault is a go! "Sie Kommen!" respond It's12:05am, organize and repel invaders

Published 2023-12-11
Dear Viewer,
What you are soon to be viewing is a fictional real time event - based upon Pegasus Bridge during the day of days. This is from the defenders perspective, my attempt to capture the moment to moment response to events unfolding around a off board HQ as well as a onboard located op.
JUST UPLOADED 12 min of straight game play

Command Ops 2 is the game and scenario, note each square is one kilometer square, you are looking at managing at minimum 68 square miles, you have at your command 800 troops amongst multiple hq's located within your area of concern.

Imagine you are the person who answers the phone, you think you know where folks are supposed to be and who is supposed to answer the blessed phone...You think you know,,,,
Note the passage of time, note in game messages and general lack of awareness which I suggest is plausible. Not official gospel of course just a plausibility.

Time, you need time and need access to roads and to the bridge if any of this is true so what happens....

Imagine you are that regimental commander of a garrison unit 8 km behind a potential landing site for say 18mos: imagine Nobody on staff is really believing anything is going to happen nobody is taking things seriously.

This is a moment realization. Still, you don't know what is happening.

Try not to panic- this is what say the first 4 hours behind the lines response would look like considering randomness of people and events. Just use your imagination. Imagine horse drawn elements at best, static units very few vehicles this early in response.

A gaming channel aiming to bend games and have fun with them. Discover the very new the very odd and mix in some of my own film mashups, no game is too odd to try.

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